Because you told me I should: The Morning After Post

Mar 15, 2008 11:28

Ha! I'm NOT hungover! Tiniest bit of headache and achy hands but that's it. Bet you all hate me. *g*

I would have liked to sleep a bit longer though and maybe not be woken up by our new neighbours upstairs DRILLING!! At ten in the fucking morning. *kills them*


Hehe. So I got a tiny bit drunk. Teeny tiny bit. Lalala...

No regrets though. I didn't tell her anything I hadn't planned on. Which was pretty much everything. Except Wincest, I stayed clear of that. I think I told her about RPS... I actually can't remember. There was a lot of blushing and hiding behind hands. *blushes*

I used the tactic someone here did to tell her about slash. Damn if I can remember who it was. But anyway, worked like a charm especially since she is a bit familiar with Buffy and so when I said, "Well, in the fandom there's kind of a disagreement whether Buffy should be with Angel or Spike," she nodded and said, "Yeah, even I noticed that." So I said, "Well, I kinda decided to skip Buffy." And she went O.O and then "Huh. Well, that doesn't really surprise me, considering your threesome history." *snorts*

So all in all it went very well and we had a very interesting talk about Supernatural which she hasn't seen but as soon as I started talking about the brothers and how interesting their characters are (because I wanted her to have some background before reading what I gave her, especially Even God's Simplest Creatures so she'd understand why Sam leaving was such a big deal for Dean) she totally got it and had lots of input on how this and that would have affected them with the way they grew up... it was so weird but lots of fun. It probably helped that she was very drunk too. Drunk enough to want to talk for about ten minutes about the word "half an hour" in the car on the way home. LMAO

Oh and then there was the rather awkward moment when we were walking to where the car would pick us up and I can't remember what we were talking about but for some reason it included me saying the words "gay porn" really LOUD just when last year's student president at my school walked by and he did a double take and kinda pointed at me with a "Dude!" expression on his face. *facepalm*

[ETA. Man, I forgot. We had dinner at Solon and our waitress looked so much like Danneel Harris it was uncanny. Even had the same hair colour. And she was a great waitress too. causette, you should go there and have a look. *g*]

work, drinking, rl friends

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