12 Feb--Another new arrival,
Jack Benjamin, needs a warm cloak. Faramir knows a n00b when he sees one, and sometimes it's kinda obvious--the guy is barefoot and wondering how he got in the middle of the street that way. (Another cloak loan.)
12 Feb--
Castiel is back, not that Faramir knew he was gone. He remembers Faramir, who actually interrupted his meditating, and so Faramir knows when to scoot.
14 Feb--
Wedding of Aidan Spindle and Harry Potter (entire)
One tag by Faramir.
15 Feb--Unanswered tag to 'apprenticeships' sort of post at
school. (Does not actually meet Sue)
24 Feb--Faramir volunteers at school to watch over
standarized testing. The concept of cheating is a new one to him. He does meet Sue Sylvester.
5 March--At the library,
Draco is researching medical symptoms. Faramir says that Muggle healers aren't all that bad, and some are from the future. Also, there's Aragorn, who knows Elven methods. (Elves can heal?)
9 March--Visits
Ivy in the greenhouse. He's never been before and he thinks it's a good idea. Would love to have Ivy in Ithilien after the war helping re-grow the land.
10 March--Sees
Sir Guy for the first time since the match with Boromir. Guy's bruises are healing but he's still got the spikes out with regard to making friends. Faramir is trying to work on it but it's slow.
27 March--OMG,
Boromir is in the library. Faramir mentions that Aragorn is gone, though since he worked in the stables with Boromir it's not exactly news. Henry is showing signs of Westernesse--odd dreaming. Faramir tells of his own dreams of the future--the livery of Ithilien (green trees on white) and that Island Richard will be there as captain of Shieldmaidens to Ithilien's prince. Eek.
2 April--There's a new
Max Guevara in the village, just nine years old and freshly escaping from Manticore. At first, he doesn't know who she is. Her head is shaved and she's just a kid--the Max he met was around 20 years old. He tries to explain that he met a future Max but it's complicated--and she's never been in the 'outside world' before. Faramir being not of the norm himself helps as much as he can--and she's living in 148, next door to him. Link broken (27 June 2017)
20 April--Out under the stars, Faramir meets
Marcus Cole, a different sort of ranger. (There have been some recent village difficulties, with the invasion of the replicators.)
21 April--It's morning for Faramir but last night for
John Hart. John's tired and has been avoiding people and Faramir tries not to be a pest. They plan to meet later in the week and hang out. (Guess they do, but not played out.)
23 April--A new-arrived
Sura was just killed at home but is unhurt in the village. Helps with some of the weirder aspects of modern village--she's from the time of old Rome. (Unfinished?)
27 April--Talks again with little
Max. She's having a hard time adjusting to being a civilian and a kid but is ready to try school. She had seen the battle with Sylar but did not participate, as Faramir had asked her not to kill unless she had to. It's hard and he's trying to help her understand even though he's not really part of the modern world either. All of Max's comments are deleted. (27 June 2017) Some muns did that when they left the game.
29 April--Goes to school with Max to help her meet
Sue Sylvester and explain a bit of Max's situation. Is not at all impressed with Sue's dazzling lack of caring, when he found her most logical when he met her the first time.
29 April--
Tabitha is at the library and Faramir is feeling the desire, though he's completely clueless that she's not just a woman of the world. Tells her of Glaurnaneth and Glaurmir and that he's not free to be with her despite the fact that he wants to be. She's outwardly flattering but inwardly pretty much thinks he's acting like a dip. (Which he is.)