The Beach | Afternoon | Sunday | March 28

Mar 28, 2010 09:46

For the past five days, the citizens of Fandom had been thoroughly assaulted with mindbending fog and various grotesque creations that could only come from the mind of madman. Today, that was going to be seen as child's play. When the ground started to shake and the ocean started to churn, no one could have expected what emerged from the murky ( Read more... )


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Comments 363

Prior to the Attack madetoosmrt March 28 2010, 13:48:35 UTC
This is a place for all the finale fighters to meet up, gawk, and try to figure out how they are going to stop this thing!


Re: Prior to the Attack puppy_fair March 28 2010, 14:04:34 UTC
Zack had been out and about, merrily taking down what he figured had to be the last of the monsters that were milling around the island.


"Nope," he said, wide-eyed as he stared up at the giant freaking dinosaur thing that made its way out of the waves. "Totally not the last of it."


Re: Prior to the Attack spiritandsword March 28 2010, 14:30:48 UTC
Annja was not pleased to see a giant version of the GODZILLA that she had fought start coming towards the island out of the ocean.

"Damn it."

This was not going to be a very good day.


Re: Prior to the Attack svetocha_blooms March 28 2010, 15:08:49 UTC
Dru had been reloading after picking off a bunch of smaller creatures.

"You have got to be kidding me."


Regular Monster Fighting madetoosmrt March 28 2010, 13:49:53 UTC
Of course, GODZILLA is going to be surrounded by other monsters. This is a place for all people that are not involved in the GODZILLA finale to continue fighting and to gawk at the big giant monster.


Re: Regular Monster Fighting lovethenubbins March 28 2010, 15:42:02 UTC
Ashley had been kind of loving this week, despite the whacked out fog giving her weird-ass hallucinations. She had been handwavily out fighting as much as she could handle and when she caught sight of the huge ass monster on the beach, she felt the need to make her way down there to help however she could.


Re: Regular Monster Fighting madetoosmrt March 28 2010, 15:50:06 UTC
There was a rather energetic monkeypony charging Ashley from behind, kicking up sand and flailing its arms wildly as it did. If those arms hit the woman, all the better.

[wasn't sure if you wanted a monster so feel free to engage or ignore!]


Re: Regular Monster Fighting lovethenubbins March 28 2010, 16:02:58 UTC
One of the 'improvements' Ashley had received from the Cabal was sensitive hearing but she somehow doubted she actually needed it where these creatures were concerned.

She whirled around in a ready stance, blocking one of the arms easily even as another landed a blow on her cheek. She didn't let that stop her from throwing a kick at one of the creature's legs though.

[thank you kind monster!]


GODZILLA madetoosmrt March 28 2010, 13:51:05 UTC
GODZILLA is here, he's pissed and he's huge. FIGHT HIM AT WILL.

[Please note, GODZILLA is going to be NPC'ed but please please be patient with the NPCer(s).]


Re: GODZILLA puppy_fair March 28 2010, 16:04:54 UTC
Well, there was no sense in standing around just letting the giant dragon dinosaur ocean monster thingie stomp all around the island, was there?

Incoming tiny pathetic human with a sword, throwing fireballs at the giant monster's... knees.

Oh, Zack was so absolutely impressive.


Re: GODZILLA madetoosmrt March 28 2010, 16:16:13 UTC
If GODZILLA felt that, he didn't pay it any heed immediately. There was a slight tingling sensation near his knees though, almost a tickle and GODZILLA kicked sand with one giant foot in reaction to that, trying to liberally cover Zack for the moment.


Re: GODZILLA puppy_fair March 28 2010, 16:20:32 UTC
Zack hit the dirt in a barrel roll when he saw the wave of sand incoming. Because a well-timed barrel roll could dodge anything. It was scientifically proven fact.

When he regained his footing, he took off at a run, working on putting a little (very little, relatively speaking) distance between himself and the creature. This thing was huge, but at least it couldn't fly, right?

And now there was a shard of ice the size of a small car, falling from the sky above Godzilla's head. Because that was bound to be more effective than the fireballs from a moment before, right?


A Special Guest Arrives! madetoosmrt March 28 2010, 13:52:06 UTC
GODZILLA was not going to be deterred despite the pluckiness of all the fighters. He was weakened but he was still bigger, still stronger and still filled with the desire to kill things.

[For one person who knows who it is!]


Re: A Special Guest Arrives! crusheverything March 28 2010, 20:56:43 UTC
Still chasing away the dolphins and eating all the fish in her waters, thank you. And now he was attacking her home?

Even if she no longer fit in the duck pond let alone the swimming pool and her mummy was long gone from the island, she wasn't going to be having with that.

The purplish-red shape surfaced from the water with far less lashing and boiling than that drama-queen lizard, and tentacles as long as GODZILLA was tall reached out for him, snapping through the fog.


Re: A Special Guest Arrives! madetoosmrt March 28 2010, 21:36:40 UTC
GODZILLA had not expected this. GODZILLA did not take kindly to something as big as he was trying to grope him like he was the main course at a monster strip show.

GODZILLA didn't like this at all so he struggled with the other creature, trying to break free of its kung fu grip.


Re: A Special Guest Arrives! crusheverything March 28 2010, 21:53:31 UTC
Bitch, please. Sunshine, for t'was her name, was a giant cephalopod. She had no interest whatsoever in the intended purpose of any junk located in any giant reptiloid's trunk.

She did however have an interest in sticking her tentacles anyplace stickable on said giant reptiloid for the intended purpose of YOINKING HIM OFF HER DAMNED ISLAND.

Yes, that's right, her island. Whatever, IKEA. She was here first.

It was a love that dared not speak its name. Mostly because she couldn't actually speak.


Aftermath madetoosmrt March 28 2010, 13:52:28 UTC
For recovery and rest after GODZILLA is defeated!


Re: Aftermath nofishinmypond March 28 2010, 21:45:30 UTC
Jack watched the Kraken defeat the GODZILLA, and sighed and shook his head. "You know," he said to no one in particular, "history shows again and again how Nature points out the folly of Man."


Re: Aftermath divinesurfchick March 28 2010, 21:52:13 UTC
Aphrodite had been hearing the battle all day. It's an island, and GODZILLA wasn't exactly quiet as a mouse. Finally, she decided to go to the beach and find out what was up.

She got there just as this purple-red many-armed thing came out and attacked the behemoth.

For several minutes she just stood there and watched, occasionally making vague punching motions and cheering the . . . thing onward.

She'd also be here for anyone needing a lift to the clinic, or begging for water. Just ask.


Re: Aftermath blondecanary March 29 2010, 01:05:59 UTC
Yeah, that last thing? The lift to the Clinic? Might be in order.

Dinah might be seeing little tweeties around her head, after that last fight. "'Dite? Uh. Can you do me a huuuuge favor?"

Easy to guess, with Dinah holding her head and keeping her eyes closed like that.


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