The Beach | Afternoon | Sunday | March 28

Mar 28, 2010 09:46

For the past five days, the citizens of Fandom had been thoroughly assaulted with mindbending fog and various grotesque creations that could only come from the mind of madman. Today, that was going to be seen as child's play. When the ground started to shake and the ocean started to churn, no one could have expected what emerged from the murky ( Read more... )


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A Special Guest Arrives! madetoosmrt March 28 2010, 13:52:06 UTC
GODZILLA was not going to be deterred despite the pluckiness of all the fighters. He was weakened but he was still bigger, still stronger and still filled with the desire to kill things.

[For one person who knows who it is!]


Re: A Special Guest Arrives! crusheverything March 28 2010, 20:56:43 UTC
Still chasing away the dolphins and eating all the fish in her waters, thank you. And now he was attacking her home?

Even if she no longer fit in the duck pond let alone the swimming pool and her mummy was long gone from the island, she wasn't going to be having with that.

The purplish-red shape surfaced from the water with far less lashing and boiling than that drama-queen lizard, and tentacles as long as GODZILLA was tall reached out for him, snapping through the fog.


Re: A Special Guest Arrives! madetoosmrt March 28 2010, 21:36:40 UTC
GODZILLA had not expected this. GODZILLA did not take kindly to something as big as he was trying to grope him like he was the main course at a monster strip show.

GODZILLA didn't like this at all so he struggled with the other creature, trying to break free of its kung fu grip.


Re: A Special Guest Arrives! crusheverything March 28 2010, 21:53:31 UTC
Bitch, please. Sunshine, for t'was her name, was a giant cephalopod. She had no interest whatsoever in the intended purpose of any junk located in any giant reptiloid's trunk.

She did however have an interest in sticking her tentacles anyplace stickable on said giant reptiloid for the intended purpose of YOINKING HIM OFF HER DAMNED ISLAND.

Yes, that's right, her island. Whatever, IKEA. She was here first.

It was a love that dared not speak its name. Mostly because she couldn't actually speak.


Re: A Special Guest Arrives! madetoosmrt March 28 2010, 22:05:24 UTC
GODZILLA wanted to know WHAT THE SHIT WAS THIS? He hadn't been warmed about another creature roaming the island and he certainly wasn't prepared for the struggle that was happening.

He was LOSING. This just didn't happen to GODZILLA. But, it was happening right now. He was slowly being pulled back into the sea, arms and tail useless against the tentacles that were sticking him.

Why were the humans not savin-- oh right, because he'd tried to kill them and all. Poor sports.

GODZILLA let out an angry, mighty roar, trying to do something as he struggled against the grip of Sunshine. It wasn't working though. He was LOSING. LOSING!


Re: A Special Guest Arrives! crusheverything March 28 2010, 22:14:08 UTC
Sunshine rolled one giant yellow eye.

Drama. Queen.

She spared a couple of extra tentacles for bracing herself on the nearest stable underwater rock formation, and once again YOINKED Godzilla towards the water.

Yeah, non-bold, capslock off Godzilla. She went there.


Re: A Special Guest Arrives! madetoosmrt March 28 2010, 22:16:24 UTC
Before Godzilla knew it, he was hitting the water. Before Godzilla could roar, his mouth was filled with seawater, clogging every orifice and rendering him incapable of fighting back.

Before Godzilla knew, he'd just been PWNED by a giant squid.

He was never going to get lizard ass now.


Re: A Special Guest Arrives! crusheverything March 28 2010, 22:26:10 UTC

Sunshine wrapped her tentacles tightly around godzilla and dragged him further out to see. Further and deeper. There had to be a convenient underwater volcano she could dump him off in somewhere...


Re: A Special Guest Arrives! madetoosmrt March 28 2010, 22:38:00 UTC
For a moment godzilla considered trying to convince Sunshine to ally with them. They could conquer the world together. All would fall at their wrath!

And then he snorted some saltwater up his nose and just got pissed again. He couldn't struggle in the water though and he really couldn't struggle when he was so wrapped up in Sunshine's tentacles.

Oh well, at least he was gonna be prettier than Alice when he died!


Re: A Special Guest Arrives! crusheverything March 28 2010, 22:49:28 UTC
Sunshine took one last moment to raise her eye to the surface, staring back at the now-less-foggy island. She lifted a tentacle in farewell, but only temporarily, for if she could speak, or rather if someone was around who could translate the bubbles and squeaks that came from her maw, they'd hear her saying, "DAMMIT FANDOM, I WISH I COULD QUIT YOU!"


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