The 30 Days of Torchwood meme:
Day 23: Favourite Owen Moment
When I think of it, my favourite Owen moments are all really someone else's moments. I like both Owen's deaths. I like the scene of him dancing with Diane. I like most of his scenes with Diane, in fact, but that's because I liked Diane. I like the scene in "Combat" where he rejects Gwen. I like the scene in "Countrycide" where he seduces her - but those are really Gwen moments. I like Owen's role in the story - he's endlessly entertaining. But I don't really like Owen.
I like the scene with dweeby Owen playing with the hand-puppet in "Adam", in an inverted sort of way, because I dislike the dweeby Owen character so much it's funny. There are almost no Owen scenes I like at all in series two... No, wait a minute, there's one: when he's shooting out the car window in "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang".
I like Owen's hug of forgiveness with Captain Jack in "End of Days", after Owen has betrayed and murdered him.
But for my favourite Owen moment, I'm going to pick the scene in "Captain Jack Harkness" when Ianto shoots him.