30 Days of Torchwood: Day 22: Favourite Jack moment...

Feb 26, 2011 13:36

The 30 Days of Torchwood meme:

Day 22: Favourite Jack Moment

    How can I pick a favourite Jack moment, when almost every time he's on the screen is a favourite moment? My very, very favourite Jack moments are probably in Doctor Who, "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances". Jack dancing with Rose on the invisible spaceship. Jack chatting to the ship with a drink in hand as he faces death. Jack's joy and incredulity when he is invited (saved? hijacked?) onto the TARDIS.

    And in Torchwood...

    Okay, I'll choose two moments I haven't mentioned before, both from 2x05, "Adam". The secondary one, I love because it's so indicative of Jack at his best; his absolute trust in those he loves. He's been shown the evidence of Ianto's own confession that Ianto is a monster, and he simply knows it isn't true. He has no reason to disbelieve it except faith and love, and I love that in him. He shows the same unconditional faith and love in the Doctor - who may not deserve it, but that isn't the point. The point is that Jack is capable of an amazing depth of love.

    But the best Jack moment is when he has the Torchwood team in the board room and replaces their false memories (instilled by Adam) with real ones, by professing how much he loves them all. And he kisses Ianto on the head, in their most tender moment.

    Too bad they'll never remember it.

jack/ianto, 30 day torchwood meme, torchwood

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