Title: School
fajrdrakoFandom: Torchwood
Characters: Toshiko, her mother
challenge: childrenRating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, no claims, all property of the BBC.
Notes: Cross-posted to
my lj and to
On her first day at school, Toshiko Sato learned many things.
She learned where to put her coat. She learned that the other children couldn't read or write or speak in two languages, the way she could. She was the smallest person in the class but the others didn't know where Japan was, or Mexico.
She'd never heard of the cartoons they watched on television, and they laughed at her. They played rough, and knocked her down in the schoolyard.
"What did you learn today?" her mother asked, when she got home.
"That I don't like children," said five-year-old Toshiko.