Wow...Part Deux

Apr 15, 2007 20:40

*whew* Is it safe to come back inside? *looks around* Ok, I think so.

Thanks first and foremost to all of my friends that came to my defense whether or not they agree with my decision with what we are doing with Belle.

Let me set the record straight on a couple of things that really got to me in all of those posts:

In one of the many replies from theredhairedgrl she said and quoted me with...
My first response was very polite and informative, and that's when she came back with the "I know it's cruel and inhumane, but I'm gonna do it anyway and I just don't care."
I never said that. I said, "I know what it means to have her declawed. Been there, done that (with two other cats). I understand that it's cruel and whatnot, blah blah blah. That being said, understand that we rent our lovely house and in order for us to be allowed to have a pet the terms were that the kitten be declawed." Nowhere does it say that I DON'T CARE. I just know that it's being done in a vet's office and being done at the same time she goes in to be spayed. So although it may not be humane, it's still being done by a professional and not by some dude in an alley with a razor blade. At least I'm not a dog owner who decides to have their pet's tail lopped of just because "it looks better stubby" - to me that's inhumane. But that's opening up a whole other can of worms now isn't it?

Moving on to the other thing that bothered me. sweets2005 said in a reply at the very end...
I really don't see you changing your mind. However, it is too be expected I suppose from someone who teaches their daughter to flip off a camera when having her picture taken. Lovely.
This pisses me off to no end. I have raised Ariel to be very polite and smart. She wouldn't even know what it means to "flip off a camera". The picture in question is this one...

(Click on the pic to see the full size image - WARNING! It's huge!)
Oh it may look like Ariel is giving me THE BIRD in this photo, but upon closer inspection you will find that she was innocently showing me a pumpkin seed she found and had put on her finger. So yes, it was on THE FINGER, but did she even know what it was going to look like when showing it to me? No. Did I know what the pic would look like after taking it? Yes, but again knowing that there is a pumpkin seed on the finger is what makes the photo priceless.

So what came out of all this? I have been un-friended by an acquaintance; someone who I had even invited to come into my home for a party, why?...because I'm cruel to animals. Yep. I'm terrible at keeping pets. That's why this past weekend alone we must have dumped about $50 on the kitten just so she could have her own two-story jungle gym for playing and purchased some cat balls with bells inside for her to chase around. I guess the two-story condo that's on it's way via UPS for her to sleep in will also be considered cruel? Yes we are terrible pet parents...We never feed her, give her water, pet her, play with her or pay her any attention whatsoever. Nope, instead we put her in a crate that's much too small for her and poke her with sticks and plan on amputating her legs off as soon as the razor gets rusty enough. As if. Geezus. All I wanted to do was give a nice little update on what the vet said about our new baby in the house and what all is going on with her. That was it.

kitten news

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