May 30, 2010 17:24
And this time it wasn't me! Our PAT testers, Glynnis and Tony, have just been relaying to us the story of their little jaunt to the MPD. They were talking to Roger Barker, head of the A4 trust, about the boiler tubes that Sir Nigel Gresley has recently blown. Apparently if its just one or two they can be slid out and replaced without too much trouble, but if its a lot of them the whole front of the engine needs to come off due to the way the stream lining is made, and this will take months. Roger was explaining to Glynnis that the tubes are only 4 years old, and they really ought to last 7-10 years before they need replacing. At this point Glynnis asked "Don't they come with a warranty?" and Tony ushered her out the loco shed with Roger's eyes burning a hole in her back! Engine men are such sensitive types!