Title: Oh My Gucci Rating: G Genre: Crack Pairings: Qmi? ^^ Warnings: I'm not really endorsing Gucci, just so you know. Summary: Zhou Mi's got a new bag. Kyuhyun hates it.
Title: Suju Guide to Life Rating: G Genre: Crack Pairings: None! Warnings: Un-beta'ed. Summary: Siwon successfully pinpoints the various locations of the members for easy stalking!
Title: Suju Guide to Life Rating: G Genre: Crack Pairings: None Warnings: Violent scenes. No, not really. Summary: Kangin talks about a follow up to the first date!
Title: Suju Guide to Life Rating: G Genre: Crack Pairings: None Warnings: Donghae is not on sugar. I'm being serious. Summary: Donghae decides to carry out the original purpose of GTL, despite all the digression that's been going on lately!
Title: Suju Guide to Life Rating: G Genre: Crack Pairings: None Warnings: FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD. Summary: Ryeowook's time-tested path to a man's heart; through his stomach!
Title: Suju Guide to Life(Beauty edition part 2) Rating: G Genre: Crack Pairings: None Warnings: Absolutely egotistical (What else did you expect?) Summary: Heechul's advice on bras and bringing out the best in you