Suju Guide to Life (Sungmin)

Dec 25, 2009 23:26

Title: Suju Guide to Life(Beauty edition)
Rating: G
Genre: Crack
Pairings: ninja!Kyumin
Summary: A crash course on all things beautiful


Oh Hai!
Hello, fellow squashes! Lee Sungmin of Super Junior here presenting part 5 of Super Junior's Guide to Life!

I must confess, when Kyu first came bursting in our room a few days ago, annoucing proudly that he had been chosen to write part 3 of the Unofficial GTL, I was pretty upset and promptly kicked him out of the room and proceeded to console myself with some therapuetic cooking. But now, that I am a fully fledged member of the "GTL gang" (Who on earth thought up of such a ridiculous name?) as well, I do feel the need to flaunt it. Perhaps I shall travel upstairs later and rub it in Heechul-hyung's face.

As I was flipping through the guide, taking in the expert and the non-expert advice written by our dearest members, I made an absolutely, terribly shocking discovery. In the past 4 chapters there has been little mention of anything relating to beauty, health and fashion. Too little in fact, and hence I feel that this GTL requires some input from the beauty/fashion master (If yesung can get away with names like "love master" I don't see why I can't!) Lee Sungmin.

So in todays edition , I'll be diverting away from the usual topics and focusing on something quite different. Mainly the "looks" category and giving you tips on how to spruce yourself up so that you, armoured with the invaluable knowledge and techniques taught in previous, present and future chapters, will be able to successfully snag your dream idol. Or guy. Whatever rocks your boat!

Beauty 101

A crash course on all things beautiful. Just like me

Looking after your skin

You don't need to have loads of money to have fabulous skin. By simply having a good diet, coupled with a good routine of cleansing and moisturising, your skin looking good in no time. But no one wants to be just "good" right? Good is boring. We want to be sparkling.

Top Tips for Fabulous Skin
+Avoid consuming too much sugary, oily or junk food! It is quite true that what you eat affects your skin condition greatly. And an over-consumption of such foods can easily lead to break-outs PLUS it makes you put on some pounds and no one wants that! (Amazingly, Shindong-hyung has skin as smooth as a baby's bottom. Go figure)

+Drink lots of water. A litre per day is the best as it will make your skin glow and eyes sparkle. And by topping up on water you will feel less hungry and up your metabolism. (The only downside is that you'll be frequenting the toilet quite a bit)

+MOIST-UR-IZE. Dry and rough skin is a definite no-no! Especially if you live in countries which experience cold weather. Invest in a good type of moisturizer and faithfully apply it.

+ Eat/ drink sweets, chocolate, crisps, fried of junk foods and fizzy drinks in moderation.
Have strength young ones! It will all pay off in time!

+ Exercise regularly and get sufficient sleep. (Not everyone is as blessed as Teukie-hyung who can manage to squeeze in only 2 hours of sleep a day and still end up with great skin. It's SO not fair)

+ Avoid spending too many hours in the sun. Getting a rich tan is great for some, but over-exposure to those evil UV-rays are so bad for your skin and you might get sun burnt. Ouch. (Kyu once got burnt so badly I couldn't touch him for days. Imagine how devastated I felt!)

+Avoid smoking. There is nothing more ageing and lethal for your health. Other than drugs of course but we shan't go into specifics. I'm sure you all are aware of the damaging effects right? Right?

Finding your skin type and how to deal with it!

Quick tip! An easy way to find out your skin type is to wipe your face with a tissue first thing in the morning, If there is a substantial amount of oil on it, you have greasy skin. (Just like Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun, Kibum and Kangin-hyung) If there is no, or little grease on the tissue, you either have dry or normal skin.

If you are unsure if your skin is dry or normal, wash it with ordinary soap and water. If it feels a little parched and tight afterwards, your skin is dry(Similar to Ryeowook, Hankyung-hyung and Yesung-hyung). If it feels smooth and supple, your skin is normal (Yay! Just like me! Oh and the rest of them. You know. The other members.)

For Dry Skin

The cause: Gee, it's pretty complicated. Let's just skip it. I mean. Who needs to know? But if you're interested you can google it! *beams*

Avoid: The sun! Basically anything sunny and to do with tanning beds/overheated houses

The Solution: Taking cod liver oil or Vitamin E tablets are very effective and much quicker. Another method is by adding 4 to 6 drops of one or a combination of essential oils ( ie Rose, neroli etc) to your usual moisturizer. Alternatively you can also simply apply plain moisturizer daily! (Unfortunately the price of such oils can vary greatly. Some are quite expensive and I remember the time Eunhyuk blew $102 on frankincense oils and was whopped by Leeteuk-hyung)

For extra hard workers, down at the bottom, I will share with you a special formula created by yours truly, with help from Heechul-hyung, specially for our members with dry skin to help you treat yours too! (Note: Heechul-hyung only agreed to help me do this because he
was afraid that he'd suffer from dry skin one day and wanted to quickly create a remedy, just in case)

Greasy Skin
The cause: Your sebaceous glands are over-active and are producing far too much oil. Tsk tsk tsk! Bad glands. Bad bad glands. Ruining my poor Kyu's face

Avoid: Coffee, sugar, chocolate, spicy and fattening foods. (What's the bet Kangin-hyung will flip when he sees this?)

The solution: Essential oils of course! Like lemon, juniper and lavender. The method used is similar to dry skin. However take care to not overdo the cleansing as being over-determined to wipe out all traces of oil will worsen the situation as the glands will produce even MORE
oil to replace the ones lost. Eep! Also keep the skin clean by ensuring the pores aren't clogged with dirt, dust and makeup. (With the sheer amount of makeup we apply, I'm surprised not all the members suffer from greasy skin. Yay! Maybe Siwon's prayers do work after all.)

Normal Skin!

The Cause: Everything's functioning well girl! Good health, good diet and good skincare! Although few people really have completely perfect skin like mine, and it tends to be a little on the dry or greasy side so taking care of it is still important whatever the condition.

Quick Tip! To boost your skin, add a few drops of essential oils (ie patchouli, ylang-ylang and lavender) to your moisturizer and apply.

Cleansing: Although there is no need to be as meticulous when cleaning your skin as those with dry or greasy skin but the minimum you should use to keep your face clean is basic soap and water. Have a little respect for your skin!


P.S Did I do okay? *worries*

Sungmin's and Heechul's Top top top top secret face recipe
For gorgeous eyes only! (Heechul-hyung HAD to add that obnoxious bit)

To treat greasy skin PLUS give it a power boost.

First, choose any one oil(doesn't matter, the only real difference is the scent so choose one you think smells divine): Geranium, Rose, Sandalwood, Camomile, Ylang Ylang

Add that chosen oil with any of these oils for different effects:
With Jojoba- Leaves a lovely soft satin feel
With Hazelnut- Rich in Vitamin E, especially good for dry skin
With Avocado- Rich and nourishing
With Lemon- Leaves the skin glowing and refreshed

All methods tried and tested so don't worry your pretty heads!

gtl, g, fiction, sungmin, suju, crack

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