Well, it's English class time, and we actually have a lecture that's halfway decent, so rather than completely ignore it in an attempt to write some essays, I'm gonna do something that uses less brain power:
*1. Maus I: My Father Bleeds History - Art SpiegelmanThe second thing I've read this year that won the Pulitzer and centres around survival with father and son stories. I'm sensing a theme for the year... I have quite the history with this graphic novel, having first discovered it by accident in Junior. I like this one better than the sequel, but I
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It has been a long time since writing a movie review online, mostly because there hasn't been a movie that's really made me think a lot afterwards. After seeing the Dark Knight I really wanted to express my thoughts about it.
However, then I saw this and felt that did a much better job in a much shorter time and with more humour than I could
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I went to see Sunshine last night. This was a movie I wasn't too sure about until I found out Danny Boyle directed it, then I got all excited and I can't say I was disappointed
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Arg! I keep turning up the heat in my apartment, but it's still fucking freezing in here. It's all my windows fault, they refuse to keep the cold air out
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