Okay, the following deserves an explanation...
The idea to make this video has been fermenting in my mind for months. What I said in the intro was true, I watched this movie on St. Patrick's Day and my mind was so abuzz with comments and complaints that I could not think of a succinct way of presenting them. So as I watched the movie I started writing a script for a video review.
For years now I've been a fan of internet reviewers like
The Angry Video Game Nerd (back when I started watching him he was still the Angry Nintendo Nerd) and just about everyone on
That Guy With the Glasses (I'll give you a gold star if you can find my homage to TGWTG.com), so it's really no wonder that my thoughts on movies had become influenced by that format.
I've never had any attention ever at any time before seeing that movie of making a video review - but I have always been interested in the idea of making a video essay (go check out what
this guy does on YouTube). So although when I wrote the script I thought it would be fun to make it, it wasn't until I got an idea to make a video essay (more on that - hopefully - in the future) that I realized I should make something mindless that would require the same type of editing as a test run.
So, here's my test run:
(Can't see the embeded video?
Click me.)
Hopefully calling it an experiment or a test run doesn't cheapen it, because it was fun to make - and a bitch to edit - and I was surprised by how many of you guys were willing to give up your time in order to help me with my insane procrastination.
Your feedback is priceless because it will help me make my video essay (which I will be doing in September if all goes well). What worked? What didn't? Am I totally kidding myself into thinking I have any wit worthy of being captured on video?