Dec 03, 2007 23:52
I've been quiet over the last couple days as I've not had that much to report really.
Saturday was spent in the shop covering with Colin went to the Dragonmeet convention. Didn't have that many customers but we pulled in a whopper takings that day.
Sunday was quiet at the shop and the few people who did show up just played for a couple hours and went home. Had a fairly good D&D session and then spent a good chunk of the night working with Kat on a new forum for Horrorclix, since the current one we use seems to have died.
Tonight was Horrorclix night, and we didn't have many people down. Its getting a little irritating that we're not getting as many people as we did. I just don't know what I can do to keep the interest and drag those lost souls back into the fold.
Tomorrow I am having SKY TV installed, since within two years the UK goes completely digital and an analog TV will just become a waste of a paper weight. Then off to Cambridge to play VTES, though I'm not looking forward to it as I don't enjoy the game as much anymore but I want to hang out with the guys.
And so my life has been fairly naff the last few days.