"The Shutdown" - Christmas to New Years!

Jan 02, 2020 15:28

Back at work after my Christmas shutdown =( But it was a nice break, which I never accomplish as much as I think I will beforehand. I thought I'd make so much progress on the reading and gaming fronts, but that seems to never be the case, although I did finish 1Q84 and played lots of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3.

So on the days that Angie had to work and I didn't (which was only like 4 not the entire break), I would make and bring her lunch at her work. Also, I'd try to clean one part of the house a day in addition to normal maintenaince (like taking out the trash or washing clothes). So I did clean the shower, mop the floors, clean our cars, and other general stuff. And of course, stuff happened like after mopping the house, Jabba would puke!

Anyway, Christmas itself was nice. We opened presents with Angie's family at her sister's house (we will do Christmas with my family on the 12th). Afterwards, we all went to Dragon Palace which is a nice Szechuan place that we used to go often with my family but not much recently. And for presents opening, I had to enforce order. I would give each kid one present, they'd open it, thank the giver, then we'd move to the next kid. And this probably go around in a loop four or five times. Supposedly before I was around, it was just a mass chaos of presenting being ripped open and more presents being asked for. At least now, there's time for thanking, appreciation, and photos. Then the adults just open their presents in a mass opening, but are calm enough to thank everyone.



This year, I received:
1) Leviathan Wakes, Caliban's War, and Abaddon's Gate, the first three books of the Expanse series (recommended by zadok_allen, I don't know how to link people)
2) Bravely Default for the 3DS
3) Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII for the PS3
4) Angie and I "got each other" a Nintendo Switch with Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 (which I used gift cards from work to pay for!)

So I'm pretty excited to read and play new things! I need to finish Assassin's Creed IV: Blackflag first. And even though I finished 1Q84, I started a Star Wars novel since I've been wanting to consume more Star Wars media after watching The Mandalorian and The Rise of Skywalker. And we've already played tons of MUA3, but didn't achieve our six hours session.

A couple of days after Christmas, on a day that Angie took off, we went with Hugh (my youngest brother) to Gun for Hire, which is a firing range 5 minutes from his house. Last year, he gave use a gift card to the range since Angie and I went there before and enjoyed it.

The three of us took turns at a 25 yard range with both a revolver and an (modified) AR-15. While Gun for Hire is "touristy" (there was a clearly foreign family), I'd say it's more educational than other ranges that I've been to. You actually load the gun and someone shows you how to use it. Although, for the revolver (which I don't remember what it was), there was pretty much no instruction, but it was pretty self explanatory. I would say it was fun to load/empty the revolver since I've never done that before. And it was fairly accurate compared to one that I used previously.

When we switched to the AR-15, someone showed the general loading and usage of the rifle. I'd say it was very easy to use, although I always have an issue with sights or something. I thought there was lots of glare, so maybe I wasn't positioned right. But even with that (I estimated where I should shoot), it felt fairly accurate and had very little kick. So it makes sense why it's so often used...

And driving home (after dropping Hugh off), Angie and I both concluded that if we lived as close to a range, we'd consider getting a handgun and possibly the USP Compact that we used in a previous trip (that German engineering).

Angie and the revolver; she always shoots more accurately than me. (https://photos.app.goo.gl/xJobTZGWYzuTBw4Y7)

AR-15 (https://photos.app.goo.gl/QjdcitfdkKZXwj15A)

I was also there! (https://photos.app.goo.gl/r9i1AjJshRXuSTmk9)

New Year's Eve
A tradition that we've been doing for the last few years was to assemble a large LEGO set on New Year's Eve. This year, Angie selected Orthanc. We started around 8 or 8:30 PM and did not finish it for the ball drop. Who knew it'd take so long (we should since this happened before). A funny thing was during the actual countdown (around maybe 15 seconds), I was trying to put a piece in and kept dropping it. But I made it before 0! We continued until about 1:30 then decided to sleep. The next morning, we finished and estimated that it took about 6 hours or so.

2359 pieces (https://photos.app.goo.gl/eiLWdJmGGXgwb1nK9)

I normally don't love playsets with open sides, but it was pretty intricate on the "inside-side". It even lights up when you press up on this chandalier! (https://photos.app.goo.gl/FqATs8MRmYMrSBzL7)

This is how much we assembled around midnight. At least Saruman can enjoy the ball drop too! (https://photos.app.goo.gl/AYzxs2hVXwGQSBns5)

The completed Orthanc, with an eagle and Treebeard (https://photos.app.goo.gl/F2op5ee8ov1WVJc68)

Oh, and here's a random picture of Jabba, being a gift to the world:

I also tried to do the same with Alfie, but he's not nearly as good at posing. (https://photos.app.goo.gl/d8AKiCPEvJ599rqc6)

One thing that I did accomplish was completing 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami. It was a book that Angie read and thoroughly enjoyed. I'd say while I enjoyed it, it was probably just good, not amazing to me. It's long and broken up into three volumes. I thought the last volume slows down a bit and drags on a little for me, but overall, I'd say it was a good novel. I'd also say there was lots of symbolism and layers that I didn't fully get. But the narative is fairly interesting with it's own history. And like I said, towards the end, it drags a bit, especially when characters just "know" or feel what to do. The ending itself doesn't really explain some of the questions that I had with weird aspects of the story, but you probably have to figure it out yourself.

The Mandalorian
We finished the Mandalorian. It was okay. Pretty much it was a Star Wars property that didn't suck. In and among itself, I guess that's good enough. I think some aspects are quite good but it also just has very uninteresting parts. I would have also liked if "more happened" or there was more consequence to the first season, but that might have been too much to expect. There were also a few episodes that felt like it was purely filler or a random "remember this" type episode. I did think the early episodes/first arc was pretty good. I also thought it was better when the main character was fairly silent versus later episodes that he seems to talk like a normal person.

The Rise of Skywalker
So this is harder to evaluate, I guess. I'd say overall, it was okay to good. I think it is in that middle ground between good and bad Star Wars movies. I'd say it's entertaining and there are some parts that are pretty well done. But at the same time, it's very... expanded universe-y (fanfic-y) and things swing so fast (especially compared to previous movies). So I'd say it's probably a much lesser The Force Awakens.

I really did not like the Palpatine twist. First, I liked that Rey was no one. I think having the Force not be linked to genetics or lineage is good. It makes it a more mystical property that is about mastery and skill versus bloodline. Additionally, if you wanted to make Rey related to Palpatine, do it in a more interesting way. It's a science fantasy setting, so there's stuff like cloning, experimentation, force manipulation, etc that's all more interesting that "grandchild". And like all new trilogy movies, the Force is WAY too strong in them.

Without really thinking, I'd probably rank the movies like:
ANH > ESB >> TFA ~ R1 ~ RotJ > TRS > RotS > TPM > TLJ > AotC > HS
-shrug- I'm not sure, but maybe something like that?

But after watching The Mandalorian, The Rise of Skywalker, and The Last Jedi (in preparation), I wanted to consume more Star Wars media so I continued on Angie's bookshelf of Expanded Universe. I previously read Shadows of the Empire, The Thrawn trilogy, and The Truce at Bakura. And since I read the Tales of the Jedi comics, I decided to move onto the Jedi Academy trilogy (skipping The Courtship of Princess Leia). So far, it's okay but I guess it's just setting up with a few random different things right now. I'm here for Sith ghosts, not as much Wedge being a construction/destruction boss leader.

holiday, list, pets, gaming, pictures, movies, books

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