So long suckas (for the year)!

Dec 18, 2019 12:03

Today is my last day of work for the year! For anyone who doesn't know, my company shutdowns down between Christmas Eve and New Year's Day. And I had a few extra vacation days that I had to take so I took off Thursday, Friday, Monday. So no work for (counting) 14 days!!! But I would say I've been generally much busier at work this last year or so. A couple of days a week of staying a little late and even some weekend work (from home). So here's to hope at some sort of promotion, but I'm not too hopeful for that actually. I did hear that our bonuses are supposed to be good this year, but we'll have to see in March or whenever it's officially announced.

In other news, I have to support Mesut Ozil, even though he kind of sucks for Arsenal. As of last year, I've been trying to follow the English Premier League and I foolishly selected Arsenal as my team. They suck this year. And Ozil is their top paid player who isn't doing very well. I honestly am not a fan of his both because he doesn't really try on defense and I don't think he's that good on offense. So I wasn't a fan of his. But he made comments against China and it's poor treatment of an ethnic minority of Muslims in China. And he actually was really strong on his stance. Of course, China loses it's mind because they can't be criticized. And since all sports... actually all companies are pussies to China, Arsenal and the EPL distanced themselves from his comments. Oh, and China is so petty where they didn't show an Arsenal game (although they suck this year) and actually removed him from the Chinese versions of FIFA and PES.

Since I'm fairly anti-China, I'm very pro-Ozil and have to support him. It's just comical about how everyone capituates to money, I guess. It's like how the NBA, which was touted as so progressive and caring about political issues, wouldn't support the Rocket's GM's support of Hong Kong. Douchebag Lebron James actually said that the GM wasn't informed about his statement? And "outspoken" coaches like Popovich and Kerr all of a sudden have no political opinions too. Yes, the NBA is fine taking a stand with (let's be honest) a super rich athlete that knowingly and stupidly destroyed his chances of playing in the NFL, but they won't say a word about people fighting for basic freedoms from an oppressive regime. But I guess Kaepernick having $75M versus, I don't know, $50M doesn't affect their league's revenue at all.

In other news, Angie is planning to travel without me! She's going to take a short trip to see ill family. It'll be the new longest we've ever been apart since marriage! For like... 5-8 years, we never spent a night apart. Then my car broke down in South Jersey so it was a night apart. Then last year, I had to go on a business trip, so it was like 3 nights. Upcoming, I think Angie is planning for 6-8 nights or something like that. But logistically, it's just too complicated and difficult for me to also go, especially if it's a short trip. It's all because of Alfie and Jabba. Alfie is not very nice to other humans and it basically took 6 months to a year because he trusted Angie's mom. So we have no one else who can take care of him with confidence. And Jabba needs twice daily medication. We could probably work it out, but it'd be fairly difficult. Oh, and stupid Molly... (We'll be taking care of my mother-in-law's dog at the time.)

Anyway, lunch time =)

news, sports, holiday, pets, football

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