Last night was not pleasant. Woke up at 2:30am with a need to use the washroom, and as I feared the muscle spasms in my left thigh returned. Thankfully with nowhere near the intensity, but enough to be unpleasant, and with a constant twinge as a warning that a full-blown spasm could happen at any moment.
I made pancakes for breakfast (at the Munchkin's request) and as I sat down at the table the spasm started to return. I was able to thwart it by standing up again, straightening the muscle and preventing it from going completely into the throes of a spasm. These pains are bad enough at the best of times, but I have so much to do that downtime as a result is a severe problem. I have machinery that has to be picked up and brought to the farm, horses that are in desperate need of a hoof-trimming, plumbing repairs that need to be done, more tilling to be done in the garden, and countless other jobs around the farm. Both legs are tense and tender, but the left is worse.
At the same time, a real storm is brewing outside. Southern Alberta is under a severe storm warning, and we're under a severe severe storm watch. The power has flickered several times already this morning, and it's hard to say what will happen next. The sky is a light grey, but there has been a lot of thunder rumbling about out there, even though there hasn't been any rain (yet.) The fore-mentioned machinery is in town, and I need my heavier diesel truck to move it. I should have picked it up last weekend, but the truck has been acting up (I think one of its batteries has had it) and I need dry weather to move the equipment as I'll be traveling on the dirt roads to avoid the main highway.
Adding to the frustration is that we're supposed to be heading for Calgary on Friday, so time is an issue as well. :/
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