Perhaps I overdid things a bit the last little while.
While I've been rather quiet here on LJ, I've been (as usual) extremely busy in RL. The last couple of days, we have been clearing away some of the deadfall and high grass around one of the old barns here on the farm that we are hoping to restore and make usable again. I also spent the better part of the morning and early afternoon clearing away a pile of scrap metal and tin from the front of the quonset, as well as roto-tilling a bunch of weeds in the garden. One would think that the smaller tiller would be easier to use, but I find it quite the opposite: it tends to bog itself down, and it's a bugger to work it free again. The larger tiller on the other hand, rather easily works its way around.
In any case, this extra activity coupled with too little regular exercise left my legs feeling like lead by the time I was done. We relaxed for the evening, watching Disney's "The Chronicals of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", which is one of my favourite books from the series. The movie (as often happens) makes some changes from the book, but the gist of the original is still there. It was after the movie ended that trouble struck.
As I rose from my chair, my left leg went into a painful spasm; Not the unpleasant (but generally tolerable) muscle-cramp in the calf as one normally gets though. Oh no, this was one of the screaming monster cramps that attacks the upper thigh! I had one of these about a month ago in my right leg, brought on by similar circumstances and activities. I thought that I had consumed enough water and Gatorade throughout the day to ward off such an attack, but it seems I was mistaken. At the time of this writing, the attack was nowhere near as severe as the previous one, and I pray that it remains so.
As it was, I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit that the pain of this one caused me to lose some control over some basic bodily functions; Having a full bladder after watching a movie and then being unable to move without incredible pain can do that to a person. I could not move my left leg at all for the pain, and it also caused me to be bent over slightly to the left as any attempt to straighten up would increase the tension on the spasming muscles and thereby increase the already intolerable pain. I had to drag myself to the washroom with my good leg, trying to cause as little movement as possible on the left. I am thankful that while I lost some control, I maintained most of it and managed to reach the washroom without leaving any puddles in my wake. Once there, I was able to lean on the counter to lessen the strain on my leg and eventually the spasms subsided.
As I write this, I can feel the tension in both legs, and I only hope that they won't cause me grief in the night.
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