closed | in progress [4/8 threads finished] | got no salvation, got no religion

Jan 21, 2010 19:24

Who: commarogue, idkmybfftony, watchful_knight, ethereallawyer, 2ndhandlion, geokinetic , wayward_sam, yes_imagenius, bloodcakedarmor, bloodluna , manticorean, viva_la_impala, kyokugen_sun, saved_ur_ass
Where Kitchen, hallways between there and Sam Winchester's floor, outside in front of the mansion
When: Bendy time to Friday evening (enjoy the benefits of bendytime?)
Rating: R (violence, language, multiple character deaths)
Summary: Faith finally snaps, enjoying a killing spree and some of the characters rally to ( Read more... )

max guevara, spencer reid, sam winchester, mia fey, saix, ruby, lithuania, terra, faith lehane, america, sasagawa ryohei, hubb mccann, dean winchester, derek morgan

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Comments 144

001 | stalking america in the kitchen commarogue January 22 2010, 00:24:58 UTC
Faith stalks her way down the hall, tracking her first target down to the kitchen. She's banking on an element of surprise. If she can kill America, it's about as good as painting a target on her chest; even that creepy fucker Saix said something about dealing out justice personally if someone pulled stupid shit again. Faith was kind of a pro at stupid shit, if she were to say so herself.

She's quiet as she enters, hoping he doesn't hear but not really caring if he does. It'd be a shame if it were over too quickly, and he had enough time to pull that gun on her. The knife slips easily into her hand from her hip and she moves in close, aiming to slide it into his side and nick a major organ if she can. If that's how these Nation fuckers work.


001 | stalking america in the kitchen idkmybfftony January 22 2010, 03:07:06 UTC
America was starting to feel better about himself. Honestly. He's regaining his optimism, and nobody's been attacking him (though he has a gun, just in case) so all those threats were really irrelevant at this point. Maybe they all forgot?

They probably did. After all, it wasn't America's fault. And he kind of apologized. So yeah.

So danger averted, for now, America's in the kitchen, feeling like a burger. He's humming to himself, guard down as usual when there's no immediate threat to his safety though occasionally sings in between the humming as he grills a burger on the stove.

"Hmm hmm two all beef patties... hmmm hmm.. special sauce, lettuce, hmmm hmm on a sesame seed bu-"

...wait. What is that? At first it's just annoying, but when he turns to try to see what it is, then it gradually starts hurting like a bitch.

He's not a stranger to pain. Nor is he one to being stabbed, apparently.

"H-HEY!" He swings his arm back, not seeing who attacked yet but reacting on instinct, to back hand Faith with his strength behind it. Which ( ... )


001 | stalking america in the kitchen commarogue January 22 2010, 03:36:16 UTC
It's a good thing she's on her game, though she isn't so much on it that she completely dodges the swing. America's hand glances off of her cheek, which feels like the equivalent of a head-on punch from a daddy vamp. And that's saying something.

Faith curses as she dances back, pulling the knife with her. Fuck, she was not expecting the kid to pack that much power - why the hell did he need a gun at all? The blade spins once in her hands, while Faith reassesses her situation with a grin. It's not exactly the sane version of a grin, a little lopsided and the bloodlust in her eyes doesn't help either. "Ooh, getting fresh on the first date. My kinda dog."

She dances forward again, aiming a kick at his knees and a jab to the side before moving to dance away again.


001 | stalking america in the kitchen idkmybfftony January 22 2010, 03:47:30 UTC
The knife is pulled out and America grits his teeth, turning around quickly. He hesitates a moment, as.. what the hell. He didn't expect a woman to be there and hitting women is wrong, but he got a nice stab that just barely missed his kidney.

Of course he recognizes her. She's one of the 'victims' from his whole swine flu 'ordeal'. Is that what this is about?

What she does and what she says kind of makes him confused, but he does move somewhat quickly, considering he's out of shape for a nation. He barely avoids the kick to his knees but the jab connects. He's bleeding, although that doesn't seem to phase him much.

"What are you-this isn't a date! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

He'll try to grab her by something - shirt, sleeve, some part of clothes, to throw her across the room. If he misses, he'll just fall back for now, and grip at his side, because the bleeding kind of stings.

He doesn't want to kill her. Such is the burden of a hero.


002 | escaped and run into mia, mia's death commarogue January 22 2010, 00:25:32 UTC
She tears ass out of the kitchen, turning to head toward the stairs when she runs into a woman she vaguely recalls seeing on the network before. Without thinking, she reaches out to grab her while she rushed up the stairs, practically dragging the poor woman with her. Foresight was never something Faith had, but she was pretty sure this bitch saw what happened, and she needed to get away from the kitchen. Which means lawyer-bitch gets to tag along.


002 | escaped and run into mia, mia's death ethereallawyer January 22 2010, 03:38:15 UTC
Mia had just been on her way to the kitchens when she noticed the fight break out. A frown creased her face and she was in the middle of calling for help when the kitchen door burst open. The defense attorney let out a yelp as she was grabbed and dragged up the stairs, crashing into the wall.

"Let me go!" she yelled, trying to drag her feet behind her as much as she could.


002 | escaped and run into mia, mia's death commarogue January 22 2010, 03:47:26 UTC
She's not all that heavy, and Faith just hoists Mia up harder so that her feet thump against the stairs on the way up. Thump, thump, thump. Once they're around a corner on the floor above, Faith shoves her back into a wall and doesn't move her hand from Mia's shoulder.

"Sure, I'll let you go. Once you tell me what you didn't see." She doesn't really care if Mia cooperates. Her free hand is already twitching at her side, toward the knife she used on America.

It's not working the way Faith had intended. America and his buddy were still alive, even though they were injured, and she needed to up the ante. Which might mean piling up the bodies.


002 | escaped and run into mia, mia's death ethereallawyer January 22 2010, 03:59:17 UTC
Mia's feet can touch the floor, but she's basically tripping over herself. The hand is vicelike in its grip and she's slammed against the wall violently. It's enough to make her give a sharp cry. Her hand is still clutching her communicator, but it's being held by her side for a moment while she tries to pry the woman's hand away from her.

Unlike a lot of people, Mia is not worried. Or, she's not worried about the possibility of dying. She's already died once at home in Los Angeles. Dying here would just be the icing on the spiritual cake. But she had to at least try to stop the crazy woman.

"I don't know who you are or why you're doing all this, but I saw enough. And if my communicator's still on, other people will have seen enough, too."


003 | the fighting begins, hubb has a fucking light saber!? commarogue January 22 2010, 00:27:32 UTC
Faith has a heading in mind, now that she's already started a veritable killing spree. Nobody was acting as fast as she wanted, and once she began the descent, she was quick to continue. There was one person she could count on to get the job done, and it meant having to do something drastic. She's calm, poker-faced, as she huffs her way up the stairs, two at a time. The floor's calm when she reaches it and makes her way down the hall, unsure of where exactly his room was. Ruby'd mentioned the number to her before, what was it?

Rounding the corner, Faith's neck prickles. She whirls around to search the area for someone approaching, and when she sees nothing, continues her purposeful stride, anyone that sees her would be able to tell that she's hurrying.


Re: 003 | the fighting begins, hubb has a fucking light saber!? 2ndhandlion January 22 2010, 05:36:30 UTC
He wasn't sure why the woman had snapped, only that she had, and from the network, she was dangerous and not to be underestimated. Hubb had gone through too many wars to give people second chances -- and it wasn't like death was permanent here.

When he caught sight of the woman covered in blood, he emptied his shotgun, dropped it, and switched on the light saber in a fluid set of movements.


003 | the fighting begins, hubb has a fucking light saber!? commarogue January 22 2010, 06:15:35 UTC
She almost didn't see him, if the ridiculous weapon didn't draw her attention she wouldn't have. Confusion flits across her face before settling into something resembling glee. And determination.

Faith flicks her head, sweeping some hair out of her face, and digs her hands into both internal pockets to pull out a couple knives. She wanted it to stop, she needed someone determined to stop her and the old man looked like he was hunting her down. Maybe she was at the end of the road finally.


Re: 003 | the fighting begins, hubb has a fucking light saber!? 2ndhandlion January 22 2010, 06:29:37 UTC
He knew that look, so he didn't pause, he darted forward to the attack, swinging the weightless sword with enviable grace, even for a man half his age.


004 | fighting terra, killing sam commarogue January 22 2010, 00:29:00 UTC
As much as she wants to, Faith doesn't have time to kill off some old man when she has a specific room to get to. Hubb breathes deep as Faith wheels away, leaving his unconscious body in the middle of the hallway; just a trail of bodies leading whoever picks them up straight to her.

The number finally popping into her head, Faith bangs against Sam's door. "Yo! Open up, it's uh, Faith. I'm a friend of Ruby's? It's sort of important," her voice is smooth and somewhat calm, despite the rasp from smoking too many cigarettes. Like she'd be asking to borrow a cup of sugar or whatever the hell neighbors did. Not like she'd know, her neighbors had always been crackheads and whores.


004 | fighting terra, killing sam wayward_sam January 24 2010, 09:59:44 UTC
Sam was just about to shoot a reply to Dean, who'd made a comment on the network about a girl named Faith, wondering if he needed to be on the lookout for her. He flinches when someone starts banging on his door, though he freezes at his desk when he hears who it is. Well... no, that isn't ironic in the slightest.

But if she claimed to be a friend of Ruby's, what does that mean for Sam? Does she have some kind of demonic psychic crazy whatsis condition that made her snap? If so, Sam can't waste time hesitating. He's fairly sure that he'd be able to take care of one girl going through a meltdown. He'd taken on worse.

With that in mind, he gets up and quickly strides towards the door, pausing for only a moment before opening it a crack. He doesn't really want to get into a physical altercation with her if something really is wrong, so he banks on being quick enough to slam the door back in her face if Dean's assessment of her being buckets of crazy seems true.

"What's up?"


004 | killing sam, fighting terra? | switching up for timelines purposes i suppose 8D commarogue January 25 2010, 01:53:07 UTC
She's covered in blood: her own, America's, Mia's and now Hubb's. Faith's starting to panic and second guess herself on this whole thing, especially because wow Ruby wasn't lying. The dude did look like an overgrown puppy. The suspicious kind that was waiting for her to stab him. Her expression closes off a little, but she probably looks worried.

"Guess my rep precedes me," she says backing up a few steps. This shouldn't be hard for her. She could have her hands on that door and ripping it open, probably break the hinges if she wanted to. But she was stopping, waiting for something. Maybe she could stop it all right here.

Maybe she didn't have to take out Ruby's world.


004 | killing sam, fighting terra? | there's always bendytime. XD wayward_sam January 25 2010, 03:34:40 UTC
The sight of the blood makes Sam's eyes widen slightly. Yeah, so he's heard that she's killed someone, but... damn. Damn, that's a lot of mess for just one victim.

"I'm surprised it's not the smell of blood that precedes you," he tells her, growing more wary by the second. She had backed away, so that was a good sign. Maybe his size intimidated her. As much as he doesn't like to think of intimidating a potentially disturbed girl, he finds himself vaguely thankful for that.

"I've been hearing interesting things on the network. Looks like they might just be true. What's so important that you've got to hunt down a friend of a friend?"


005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder commarogue January 22 2010, 00:29:34 UTC
The network's brimming with activity, finally, of people coordinating to come stop Faith. She can hear above and below her as people came to rescue their friends and stop the psycho. Faith presses a kiss to Sam's warm forehead, ignoring the ragged breaths he's struggling to take and whirls around to rush toward the window at the end of the hallway. Tucking her head and bracing her shoulder against it, Faith crashes through the glass, stretching out as gravity takes her and then tucking again to roll with the landing.

The ground wavers a little before her eyes, and she shakes the pieces of glass out of her hair, picks a jagged slice out of her bicep to throw it down to the side. She can't help it; she looks back up at the window she's come out of, grinning slightly to herself that she's still got it.


Re: 005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder yes_imagenius January 22 2010, 17:05:51 UTC
Reid only caught the tail end of Sam's murder and Faith's crash through the window. He'd been in the library, playing chess against himself and he'd turned off the communicating device so he could concentrate. When he headed out of the library, he flipped it back on to catch Faith kissing Sam on the forehead and diving out the window in a dramatic escape.

He sends a private message to Derek. "Hey Morgan, I don't know if you've seen what's on the network but meet me outside on the lawn. Bring your gun and be careful. Stay back. I want to talk to her."

He has some emotional investment in Faith. They've talked and he'd thought he could save her. Really save her in a way that he couldn't save his Mom or Adam or any of the others. When he steps out onto the lawn to confront Faith, he has his hands raised. He doesn't have his vest on and his gun is upstairs.

"Faith, it's Reid. That was an pretty impressive tuck and roll you did."

For once, he doesn't stutter. This is sort of what Reid does best.


Re: 005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder bloodcakedarmor January 22 2010, 17:30:34 UTC
Derek had kind of been keeping track. And once he saw the whole Sam killing, he was already grabbing his gun. This place and these people played by a whole different set of rules. No way he wasn't going in there armed when the girl he'd met a few days ago was clearly insane and on an it's okay to kill spree ( ... )


005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder commarogue January 22 2010, 18:15:54 UTC
She spun around, surprised and drawing the last knife she stowed on her person. When she saw Reid's face, she couldn't help but soften a little, which only made her harden worse when she realized what the fuck the little twerp had just said. It wouldn't be wrong to resemble her to a rabid cornered dog ( ... )


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