closed | in progress [4/8 threads finished] | got no salvation, got no religion

Jan 21, 2010 19:24

Who: commarogue, idkmybfftony, watchful_knight, ethereallawyer, 2ndhandlion, geokinetic , wayward_sam, yes_imagenius, bloodcakedarmor, bloodluna , manticorean, viva_la_impala, kyokugen_sun, saved_ur_ass
Where Kitchen, hallways between there and Sam Winchester's floor, outside in front of the mansion
When: Bendy time to Friday evening (enjoy the benefits of bendytime?)
Rating: R (violence, language, multiple character deaths)
Summary: Faith finally snaps, enjoying a killing spree and some of the characters rally to ( Read more... )

max guevara, spencer reid, sam winchester, mia fey, saix, ruby, lithuania, terra, faith lehane, america, sasagawa ryohei, hubb mccann, dean winchester, derek morgan

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001 | stalking america in the kitchen idkmybfftony January 22 2010, 03:07:06 UTC
America was starting to feel better about himself. Honestly. He's regaining his optimism, and nobody's been attacking him (though he has a gun, just in case) so all those threats were really irrelevant at this point. Maybe they all forgot?

They probably did. After all, it wasn't America's fault. And he kind of apologized. So yeah.

So danger averted, for now, America's in the kitchen, feeling like a burger. He's humming to himself, guard down as usual when there's no immediate threat to his safety though occasionally sings in between the humming as he grills a burger on the stove.

"Hmm hmm two all beef patties... hmmm hmm.. special sauce, lettuce, hmmm hmm on a sesame seed bu-"

...wait. What is that? At first it's just annoying, but when he turns to try to see what it is, then it gradually starts hurting like a bitch.

He's not a stranger to pain. Nor is he one to being stabbed, apparently.

"H-HEY!" He swings his arm back, not seeing who attacked yet but reacting on instinct, to back hand Faith with his strength behind it. Which means he's swinging power equivalent to a truck, since he's so hardcore.


001 | stalking america in the kitchen commarogue January 22 2010, 03:36:16 UTC
It's a good thing she's on her game, though she isn't so much on it that she completely dodges the swing. America's hand glances off of her cheek, which feels like the equivalent of a head-on punch from a daddy vamp. And that's saying something.

Faith curses as she dances back, pulling the knife with her. Fuck, she was not expecting the kid to pack that much power - why the hell did he need a gun at all? The blade spins once in her hands, while Faith reassesses her situation with a grin. It's not exactly the sane version of a grin, a little lopsided and the bloodlust in her eyes doesn't help either. "Ooh, getting fresh on the first date. My kinda dog."

She dances forward again, aiming a kick at his knees and a jab to the side before moving to dance away again.


001 | stalking america in the kitchen idkmybfftony January 22 2010, 03:47:30 UTC
The knife is pulled out and America grits his teeth, turning around quickly. He hesitates a moment, as.. what the hell. He didn't expect a woman to be there and hitting women is wrong, but he got a nice stab that just barely missed his kidney.

Of course he recognizes her. She's one of the 'victims' from his whole swine flu 'ordeal'. Is that what this is about?

What she does and what she says kind of makes him confused, but he does move somewhat quickly, considering he's out of shape for a nation. He barely avoids the kick to his knees but the jab connects. He's bleeding, although that doesn't seem to phase him much.

"What are you-this isn't a date! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

He'll try to grab her by something - shirt, sleeve, some part of clothes, to throw her across the room. If he misses, he'll just fall back for now, and grip at his side, because the bleeding kind of stings.

He doesn't want to kill her. Such is the burden of a hero.


001 | stalking america in the kitchen commarogue January 22 2010, 04:14:26 UTC
"Daddy never bought me a pony." Shit, if that had been all that was wrong with her. She could write a goddamn novel on that shit, the seedy underbelly of Southie and growing up as a whore's daughter. Not to mention the Kakistos bullshit. And Buffy. Angel, Wesley, Los Angeles. Well, none of that matters at this point.

Faith was too selfish by now for it to be about much more than her. Though if anyone asked, she'd vehemently deny it but her motivations had devolved into pure self-loathing. Add a dash of the desire to spread the hurt around, and they'd be well on your way to being a Faith-expert. Which means feeling a little bit crazy, boggling at most things she said and wondering when the insanity was going to end.

"You're right, this isn't a date," she grunts when he gets his hands on her shirt, fighting to get free. She clutches at his hands (fucking vice grip) fruitlessly. Her adrenaline skyrockets and it's a high she hasn't felt in a long time. This might just be the fight she's looking for; Faith might be lucky for once. She pulls hard at his fingers again and when he lets go, she's hurtling across the room, over the counter and into some cupboards. Faith falls to the floor, relishing the familiar ache in her muscles. She gets up slowly, first to one knee and then up to her feet. She wipes at the blood dripping from the corner of her mouth and looks darkly back at America. "Your foreplay needs work."

And she's stalking toward him again, knife out in front and looking to cut into some more flesh. The grin's back, too. She was banking on two outcomes: kill or be killed.


001 | stalking america in the kitchen idkmybfftony January 22 2010, 04:32:26 UTC
What. A pony?! America doesn't get it, really, though she seems upset over something. Though upset, technically, isn't the word he'd use. More like crazed.

"Is the mansion making you like this?" He asks, hesitantly, because he knows what it's like for the mansion to fuck with you. And of course, he has that hero complex of his. "I can help you! I don't want to hurt you!"

His eyes lower to the knife and he holds his hands up, showing for the moment that he's unarmed. For now. The sex comments are just ignored because he doesn't get them there's no time for that. "Just give me the knife." And he'll outstretch his hand slowly to her.


001 | stalking america in the kitchen commarogue January 22 2010, 05:14:34 UTC
"Mansion makes everyone like this. I guess we're the only ones who decide to act on it," she answers. Faith slows down when he continues, and her eyes harden to his claim to help her. She's heard plenty of that bull shit and the funny thing was? Nobody ever really did want to help her. Nobody but Angel, and where the hell was he? How else was this whole Wonderland bullshit going to go without Angel around to keep her in check?

"You can help me? Huh? What are you gonna do, get me in touch with my feelings?" Faith finally stops in front of him, seeming to weigh her choices. Angel's voice, pleading with her to stop and think, assuring her that if he can come back from the piles of dead bodies he left through Europe, she can come back from what she's done, plays through her head like a recording. Then memories of Buffy and Wesley filter in, and Faith grunts surging forward while trying to block the memories down.

She goes for America's knees again, attempting to distract him from the fist she swings at him from the left, and then the follow up jab with the knife. Faith's not doing very well with originality now that her mind is clogged with all the shit that she can't stand to think about most. America's gone from trigger kill to personal vengeance kill in about .5 seconds flat, and of no fault of his own but for wanting to help her.


001 | stalking america in the kitchen idkmybfftony January 22 2010, 05:31:11 UTC
"Don't compare me to you." America states flatly, mostly in a relatively deep tone of voice, because it sounds hard core and heroes always say hard core shit during fights. No, he didn't act on anything. He doesn't even flinch because even though the stab was painful he's not in pain. His threshold is insanely high due to being in so many wars and terrorist attacks and stuff. Try having the pain of millions course through you. Life of a nation is awesome. "There's always another way. You don't have to fight like this."

He's on edge though, watching her. He doesn't want to kill her, but he's on guard as he hasn't figured out what she is. It's questionable that she's human, though honestly since she looks like one his abilities to figure out anything beyond that are very minimal.

Feelings? America feels awkward all of a sudden, and the area by his kidney throbs. He doesn't know how to reply to that, but good thing: his knees are gone for again, which he kind of expects and tries to dodge, but he ends up in the other two: getting punched (stop going for his kidneys what is wrong with you) and the jab barely grazes his midsection. That kinda stings since topical cuts hurt like a bitch.

He reaches out to grab her arm though, the one with the knife, before she can pull away. And he'll try to grab the knife from her. Now he's starting to get annoyed.


001 | stalking america in the kitchen | shall we hold off for lithuania to tag in about now? commarogue January 22 2010, 06:05:58 UTC
"Fighting never stops, pal. Not for a slayer." The thought is harsh and a little sad at the same time. Fight and die, that was her legacy. Correction: that was Buffy's legacy. Faith was resigned to a long life of just fight, according to her ironic vampire sponsor. She just figured in this place, it didn't count. Death was a gift, or whatever.

Faith's a little surprised that her blows connect at all, which gives her a happy (her version, anyway) and keeps her moving. Her feet are planted hard into the floor, and she sees his hand shooting out toward her but doesn't dodge it quickly enough.

The knife drops from her hand, and she watches it fall almost in slow motion. Her hope for taking America down is in her ability to mortally wound him, and she's pretty sure she wouldn't be able to snap his neck.


001 | stalking america in the kitchen watchful_knight January 22 2010, 15:10:45 UTC
He only came down to get something to eat from the dining room, but then he hears sound from the kitchen and stops. Fighting sounds. Of course it could be an evenly matched fight with reasons, but even if it is that, he'd rather stop them. Peace is a much better foundation for living together than war, because peace triggers peaceful times, and war... well.

And then he enters the kitchen and stops, surprised. America is fighting a woman? That's not right. Girls are precious, they have to be handled carefully. But America looked like a nice person, which makes him not rush to the female's aid instantly but scan the situation first. ...Or at least ask before he does something.



001 | stalking america in the kitchen idkmybfftony January 22 2010, 18:04:05 UTC
As ignorant as he was, America does fight with strategy. Sometimes. Though mostly its an excuse as he's not very quick on his feet, despite being a strong super power. Of course, his strategy is mostly 'shoot first, ask later' but it works so who cares?

"A slayer?" Wit's kind of losing to pain, and damn side is still bleeding. What is she talking about? "Well, I ain't something you can slay!"

Actually, no. His wit is still there.

He flings her across the room again, once the knife falls, as if she was a doll or something, mostly because distance is a good thing and he's trying to avoid hitting her. Just as Liet walks in. Awesome timing.

"Watch out for her! She's crazy!"


001 | stalking america in the kitchen commarogue January 22 2010, 18:38:24 UTC
If she could hear all the garbage about girls being precious, Faith would vomit. A lot. As it is, she's currently rolling her eyes at America's wit. "Everything can be slay--" her statement cuts off short at the impact, while she fights against it to stop midway across the kitchen. Faith's not a complete idiot, she knows when someone's got a favorite move. By now, she's figuring America's not going to do the job for her.

Faith launches herself at the new guy, aiming to grab him and force him in front of her, knife laying on his throat. She's ready for another fight if he puts one up, but she leaves her left side open as she's banking on him not defending himself.


001 | stalking america in the kitchen watchful_knight January 28 2010, 18:23:10 UTC
Wait what, why is she attacking him, this just doesn't make sense- And then his instinct takes over. Sure, she is a girl; females and children shouldn't be part of any kind of fight; and he isn't a fan of education through fear. She shouldn't be harmed more than strictly necessary.

But on the other hand she is holding a knife and seems somehow insane and isn't Belarus. Maybe a demon has taken over her mind - which means that she shouldn't be harmed still, but will probably be insanely strong for a girl (he was told that America is really strong so he'd be a match for that.) and well, the knife is a clear indication of what she's planning.

He slides to the left, ducking at the same time to avoid the knife coming directly at him, and reaches forward to grab her around the waist, hoping to be able to trap her with her back against his chest.


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