closed | in progress [4/8 threads finished] | got no salvation, got no religion

Jan 21, 2010 19:24

Who: commarogue, idkmybfftony, watchful_knight, ethereallawyer, 2ndhandlion, geokinetic , wayward_sam, yes_imagenius, bloodcakedarmor, bloodluna , manticorean, viva_la_impala, kyokugen_sun, saved_ur_ass
Where Kitchen, hallways between there and Sam Winchester's floor, outside in front of the mansion
When: Bendy time to Friday evening (enjoy the benefits of bendytime?)
Rating: R (violence, language, multiple character deaths)
Summary: Faith finally snaps, enjoying a killing spree and some of the characters rally to ( Read more... )

max guevara, spencer reid, sam winchester, mia fey, saix, ruby, lithuania, terra, faith lehane, america, sasagawa ryohei, hubb mccann, dean winchester, derek morgan

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Re: 005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder bloodcakedarmor January 22 2010, 17:30:34 UTC
Derek had kind of been keeping track. And once he saw the whole Sam killing, he was already grabbing his gun. This place and these people played by a whole different set of rules. No way he wasn't going in there armed when the girl he'd met a few days ago was clearly insane and on an it's okay to kill spree.

Then he got Reid's message and that set him into high gear. Reid was the only person here he completely trusted right now. Reid was like family. And really, no one messed with his family without his getting involved.

He hurried downstairs, keeping hidden just inside the door with the door open so he could keep track of what was happening. His weapon was drawn, the safety off so that he could shoot if things went south. Normally, he'd think to talk first like Reid or fight his way out of this. But this was anything but normal. Reid had a habit of putting himself out there though, which was both irritating and endearing. But with crazy killer super-powered girl on the loose? Right now it was irritating and not too bright for a genius. Endearing would come later.

He waited, keeping out of sight.


005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder commarogue January 22 2010, 18:15:54 UTC
She spun around, surprised and drawing the last knife she stowed on her person. When she saw Reid's face, she couldn't help but soften a little, which only made her harden worse when she realized what the fuck the little twerp had just said. It wouldn't be wrong to resemble her to a rabid cornered dog.

"Don't start that shit with me," she near spat at him. Faith knew what he wishes he could do, but she can't be saved. Not now, not ever. And she'll be fucked if Reid thinks he can make this better. Her eyes darted to Derek (and to his gun) when he approached and then back to Reid, bringing a smile to her face. "You know, Feds couldn't catch me back home. What makes you think you two are any different?"

If she ran her mouth long enough, maybe she could get his buddy to shoot her. Maybe Reid would get the point here, stop trying to be a knight in shining armor and wise up. Run away. They probably thought two against one gave them a shot right then. But Reid was a lot closer than Derek and she was pretty fast, and had no problem taking a shot to take Reid down with her. As it was, she stood her ground, waiting to hear just a little more,see which way over the fence she'd fall.


Re: 005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder yes_imagenius January 22 2010, 18:23:27 UTC
"I'm not starting anything with you, Faith," Reid told her, taking a step closer. "And we're not trying to catch you. I don't want to lock you anywhere. I just want you to think about what your doing. Think about all the progress you made back home and here. I know you didn't get to make amends the way you wanted to but that doesn't mean you can't make them here. Doing this, hurting these people won't make it any better. It won't make you feel better and no matter how much pain you cause, it won't swallow you up."


Re: 005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder bloodcakedarmor January 22 2010, 18:29:13 UTC
Well... he had thought he was hidden from view, but maybe not so well as he had tried to be. Anyway, Reid seemed to know a little more about the background of killer girl which he now knew was called Faith... ironic. So he just let him talk to see if he could knock some sense into her. But really from experience, they both knew that psycho killers didn't listen to sense.

Since he obviously wasn't as hidden as he thought, with her looking in his direction and Reid saying 'we', he just stayed back and listened, watching the situation with his gun at ready, but finger relaxed on the trigger.


005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder commarogue January 22 2010, 19:04:34 UTC
She didn't want to think; all the things Reid was trying to get her to do were the things she wanted to avoid. Derek looked more ready to do what was necessary, if he was fast enough. He looked pretty fucking confident that he was.

"Don't wanna feel better," she answered, almost petulantly. Well, she was pretty fucking young comparatively. You couldn't pound sense into Faith with a mallet, sense and Faith? Oil and water, especially in this state. She looked back at Derek warily, a bit of a challenge in her eyes. Do it. Pull the trigger.

"Thought about it already. Thinking there's gotta be someone." Someone strong enough to put her out of everyone else's misery. Out of commission. Faith took a few more steps toward Reid. You wanted to talk senseless? Reid was definitely worse than Faith in that category. She darted forward after slowly closing more space and grabbed at him, aiming to get him in front of her by the neck.


Re: 005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder yes_imagenius January 22 2010, 19:45:50 UTC
Reid knows Derek is at his back. He has no delusions that he's got control of this situation but he was hoping for a little more than that from her. There's definitely a look of disappointment on his face when Faith grabs him by the neck and pulls him around where she wants him. His hands are still up.


He can't act as a shield for her when she's moving him around like a rag doll.

"Derek, don't." He's trying to protect her and give her a chance even now. He can't deny that he's a little afraid though and his heart is beating faster. Despite the fact that he's not stuttering all his other ticks are in effect and going into over drive. He's swallowing hard, blinking a lot and chewing at his lips. His jaw is twitching a little and his hands are shaking.


Re: 005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder bloodcakedarmor January 22 2010, 19:56:57 UTC
"Reid!" Well fuck. Who didn't see this coming? Every muscle is suddenly tense in Derek's body and he's looking for a place to shoot... which is hard with Reid scrambling. Cause heck no he's not shooting his friend.

"What? Don't? Fuck that." He really just said 'dont'. That was laughable... if Reid weren't in a choke hold right now. Right now it wasn't that funny. Just a little nuts. Just wait for the shot to open up. Wait for a spot of psycho skin that isn't near Reid's skin.


005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder commarogue January 22 2010, 21:30:27 UTC
Disappointment is Faith's best frenemy. It follows her around on the faces of people she gets close to, lets her know that she's still doing the same old Faith dance of fucking up and it pisses her off more than anything else. What right did Reid have to possess any kind of expectation from her? He was just some cop that thought he knew her, talked to her here and there over a few months and now he gets to be disappointed?

Were she normal, she might not be annoyed by the nervousness he shows after she grabs him. As it is, she shakes him a little when he says her name -- and when Derek calls out to his friend. She grins, happy that the macho cop's responding the right way.

"Oh, see? I knew I made you nervous but I figured being pressed up on me wouldn't be that bad. Seriously dude. You need to get laid." Faith's tone is flippant, and she's moving him with her as she inches backwards, but she isn't putting the vice grip on him. She knows she doesn't really need to.


Re: 005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder yes_imagenius January 22 2010, 21:39:13 UTC
"It's n-not that," Reid tells her. "Sort of the kn-knife you've got that makes me nervous." She's got him slightly bent back because he's taller than her. The grip she has on his neck is uncomfortable but not painful. She's right, he couldn't get away from her if he wanted to.

"Faith, if you kill me, you're as bad as they said you are. I'm not fighting you. I'm not trying to hurt you. I can't believe you're going to let them be right. All those people who told you that you were bad. That you couldn't measure up. That you were second best. If you don't stop this, you prove them all right. Let me go, let me help you and it's a big fuck you to everyone."


Re: 005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder bloodcakedarmor January 22 2010, 21:52:53 UTC
Wow. Reid just cursed. He had honestly never heard that... ever... EVER. Derek took a moment to be surprised at that, eyebrows lifted and a shrug before he got back in the moment.

He stepped closer as Faith backed herself and Reid up. "Faith. Let him go. He didn't do anything to you. He's out here trying to help... talking you down. He's giving a damn and you're gonna hurt him to repay him? No. Be better than that. Be better than this."


005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder commarogue January 23 2010, 06:26:29 UTC
There's no denying that their words have an effect on her. Reid's an idiot, that's a fact, but he'll feel her grip loosen a little as he speaks. Derek's inconsequential to her, she knows he's just taking his smarter friend's lead.

"I can't," she stresses. Why don't they understand that shit? Coming back from what she did isn't possible. Angel, he had a reason - Faith's had her soul intact her whole life. Did all that shit with a conscience in her head. She chews at her lip, and as if she needs to draw more, she can taste the blood when her teeth cut in.

No. If she lets her guard down, it's going to be worse for everyone. "It doesn't work that way." She's reaching for reasons not to let them help her. They don't understand the world she comes from; she can't see how they could even begin to understand the evil there. That she brought it with her, and she'll never shake it. "You can't fix me."


Re: 005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder yes_imagenius January 23 2010, 06:31:59 UTC
Reid tries not to put too much stock in her relaxation and the obvious hedging she's doing. It does give him hope though. When he speaks his voice is a little stronger. He takes a minute to get all the little tweaks and twitches under control, relaxing just a bit in her grip.

"People aren't toys to be broken or fixed, Faith. We all cope the best way we know how one day at time. All we can do is try and that's something you're good at. You don't give up. You try. I'll help you try if you'll let me go."


Re: 005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder bloodcakedarmor January 23 2010, 15:26:17 UTC
Derek notices the slight ease in er muscles. It's a good sign and he lowers his gun just a few inches. He listens to the two, catching everything and trying to connect dots between things he didn't know. "No one can be fixed. Trust me, I know." God did he know. Sometimes he thought h needed to be fixed with how screwed up he was, things that had happened, things he had done. Then he had to work it out and remind himself to move forward.

"Reid's a good guy. Let him help you move forward. Be strong, Faith. I know it's hard. But take the stronger path, the harder one. Not the easy one." Preaching to the choir. But if Faith knew anything about him, which she didn't, she would know he was being honest. He wasn't sure sincerity and genuineness would get through to her right now... not with that look in her eye. That made him nervous. "Let him go. Let him go, Faith."


005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder commarogue January 23 2010, 16:48:54 UTC
She's on a good path, listening to them both as they speak. Faith starts to wonder, just for a split second if maybe she could make up for it in this hell. There's a possibility that she's being tested here, that she's supposed to pass.

Then she realizes that they're dropping their guard and even though it isn't entirely, Faith doesn't react well. If she were normal, she'd take it as a sign of trust and move forward like Derek said. The way she sees it, though, is that they think she's going soft - have we mentioned the lack of sanity here? Faith pulls Reid close again and drops her knife to his midsection.

"You're wrong!" She says through gritted teeth and it's closer to a wail than just yelling. If she's denying what they've said, or that she's going soft, it doesn't matter. She makes up her mind in that instant.

She pulls her hand away from Reid, takes a deep breath and drives it in toward them. It feels like slow motion; like she's fighting through gravity just to complete the act. Faith holds onto him tight, and she drags the knife across his torso before pulling it out.

Then she drops him. And charges Derek, part of her hoping that he's fast enough, good enough to shoot her in the heart.


Re: 005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder yes_imagenius January 23 2010, 18:41:06 UTC
He's so genuinely shocked that for a minute he doesn't feel anything. He thought she was going to let them help. He thought he'd invested just enough time in her that she wouldn't hurt him. It takes a minute for the icy pain to catch up with him. He bites off a sharp yell of pain, eyes rolling as he looks around for Derek and tries to place Faith.

Morgan's going to shoot her, he knows that but he's not sure why. He wants to tell him that he needs help but he can't get the breath to form words. There's a victim here he was supposed to be protecting. He knows that much but there's so much pain that he can't remember who the victim is. He'll just close his eyes and maybe it'll help him think.


Re: 005 | FBI intervention; reid's murder bloodcakedarmor January 23 2010, 18:59:03 UTC
The victim might have been Faith at one point, but not anymore. She's given up victim rights as far as Derek is concerned. Victim rights go to Reid for being naive and losing his whole genius status in this whole scenario. Besides, Derek was big on not playing the whole victim game... never again for him, not in a long long time. That's why he was shocked too to see Faith doing it. He had really thought they were getting through to her too.

Wrong. Dead wrong. And now it was on. "Reid! Ohhhh... fuck no." He shook his head.

Seeing blood gushing out of Reid was a shock. Then he saw her moving towards him and he instantly aimed and shot. A bullet that landed in the side of her torso, all meat. It wouldn't have hit anything vital, just hurt like hell and started bleeding. A second shot that missed because she was moving and close. She was gonna attack him and every judo class and self-defense class he had ever taught at the FBI training academy told him to get ready.

He tossed the gun away, out of her reach. And braced himself. The moment she was close enough he landed a hard punch to her jaw and then turned, a round-house kick just barely missing her as she ducked to dodge it. He knew she was hella strong... somehow... magically... and he was pretty sure he would lose this fight. But the point here was that he wasn't going out without a fight. He wasn't giving up. No way.


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