closed | in progress [4/8 threads finished] | got no salvation, got no religion

Jan 21, 2010 19:24

Who: commarogue, idkmybfftony, watchful_knight, ethereallawyer, 2ndhandlion, geokinetic , wayward_sam, yes_imagenius, bloodcakedarmor, bloodluna , manticorean, viva_la_impala, kyokugen_sun, saved_ur_ass
Where Kitchen, hallways between there and Sam Winchester's floor, outside in front of the mansion
When: Bendy time to Friday evening (enjoy the benefits of bendytime?)
Rating: R (violence, language, multiple character deaths)
Summary: Faith finally snaps, enjoying a killing spree and some of the characters rally to ( Read more... )

max guevara, spencer reid, sam winchester, mia fey, saix, ruby, lithuania, terra, faith lehane, america, sasagawa ryohei, hubb mccann, dean winchester, derek morgan

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002 | escaped and run into mia, mia's death commarogue January 22 2010, 00:25:32 UTC
She tears ass out of the kitchen, turning to head toward the stairs when she runs into a woman she vaguely recalls seeing on the network before. Without thinking, she reaches out to grab her while she rushed up the stairs, practically dragging the poor woman with her. Foresight was never something Faith had, but she was pretty sure this bitch saw what happened, and she needed to get away from the kitchen. Which means lawyer-bitch gets to tag along.


002 | escaped and run into mia, mia's death ethereallawyer January 22 2010, 03:38:15 UTC
Mia had just been on her way to the kitchens when she noticed the fight break out. A frown creased her face and she was in the middle of calling for help when the kitchen door burst open. The defense attorney let out a yelp as she was grabbed and dragged up the stairs, crashing into the wall.

"Let me go!" she yelled, trying to drag her feet behind her as much as she could.


002 | escaped and run into mia, mia's death commarogue January 22 2010, 03:47:26 UTC
She's not all that heavy, and Faith just hoists Mia up harder so that her feet thump against the stairs on the way up. Thump, thump, thump. Once they're around a corner on the floor above, Faith shoves her back into a wall and doesn't move her hand from Mia's shoulder.

"Sure, I'll let you go. Once you tell me what you didn't see." She doesn't really care if Mia cooperates. Her free hand is already twitching at her side, toward the knife she used on America.

It's not working the way Faith had intended. America and his buddy were still alive, even though they were injured, and she needed to up the ante. Which might mean piling up the bodies.


002 | escaped and run into mia, mia's death ethereallawyer January 22 2010, 03:59:17 UTC
Mia's feet can touch the floor, but she's basically tripping over herself. The hand is vicelike in its grip and she's slammed against the wall violently. It's enough to make her give a sharp cry. Her hand is still clutching her communicator, but it's being held by her side for a moment while she tries to pry the woman's hand away from her.

Unlike a lot of people, Mia is not worried. Or, she's not worried about the possibility of dying. She's already died once at home in Los Angeles. Dying here would just be the icing on the spiritual cake. But she had to at least try to stop the crazy woman.

"I don't know who you are or why you're doing all this, but I saw enough. And if my communicator's still on, other people will have seen enough, too."


002 | escaped and run into mia, mia's death commarogue January 22 2010, 04:24:04 UTC
Her eyes glint a little at Mia's pathetic threat. "Ooh, I'm scared," she replies, in mock concern. Faith's eyebrows knit up and her eyes go wide as she mimics someone who would give a fuck. "You got me, I give up!"

Faith rolls her eyes then, shrugging out of the mockery and taking her hand off of Mia after shaking her a little. She doesn't blink all that much, and her eyes are undeniably crazed. Faith has left the building.

"I'm Faith and I'm doing this because...I can. Or because mommy used to burn me with cigarettes. Does it really matter to you?" She pulls out the knife, openly toying with it in her hands.


002 | escaped and run into mia, mia's death ethereallawyer January 22 2010, 04:30:47 UTC
Mia swallowed the feeling of fear lacing up from inside. The woman's eyes are starting to creep her out and if this was home in LA, she'd have been wondering if Faith was trying to get back at her for a case or something. Being in Wonderland left Mia no choice but to wonder what was going on. Aside from the fact that Faith was in the process of trying to make Mia die. A second time.

"Yes, it does matter to me. I'm a defense attorney. Everything matters to me."

It was all evidence, anyway. Regardless, Mia shifted a little bit in an effort to put a little space between herself and the crazy woman. Hopefully, someone would come soon...


002 | escaped and run into mia, mia's death commarogue January 22 2010, 04:57:25 UTC
Making Mia die? Definitely top of the list, at least she was a smart lawyer bitch. Faith knew chicks who died twice and were fine, and she herself was big on falling into comas and waking up like it was a trip to the tanning bed. Right now, though Mia's just making it more easy on Faith, as if that's possible.

"Are we in court? 'Cause, I'm pretty sure we're in a giant ass house, in an alternate dimension where the fucking Queen from Alice in Wonderland fucks with us on a monthly basis," Faith says. Her eyes shift to the side as she thinks about that. "Kinda like PMS on steroids."

Faith just watched as her prey tried to shift away. It wouldn't take much effort to pull her back again, in fact, it might make it more interesting.


002 | escaped and run into mia, mia's death ethereallawyer January 22 2010, 05:04:26 UTC
Mia was no lawyer prodigy, but she'd been a good one in her day. Only lost one case and that was because her very first client committed suicide on the stand. That didn't count.

Her eyes were glued to the other woman, trying to assess the situation. This was definitely starting to remind her of her original death, except there was no Redd White trying to blackmail her into keeping quiet about everything.

"Actually, not that long ago, a trial was held here. It was rigged, though."

Mia shifted again and suddenly, she turned and ran. The attorney was no athlete, but she was hoping she could enough of a head start to dart into an empty room and escape somehow. This was a bit more than she'd bargained for.


002 | escaped and run into mia, mia's death commarogue January 22 2010, 05:27:07 UTC
Next to Faith W looks like a genius, so really, Mia was totally safe in looking like the prodigy of whatever she wanted. Though Faith was pretty sure she'd never driven anyone to suicide. Except herself, of course.

Before Faith was able to make a Law and Order: Wonderland joke that she was pretty proud of considering her state of mind, Mia made her dash. She actually gave her a bit of a head start before launching herself after Mia, and getting her hands on her arm. Faith pulled her around to toss her into the opposite wall and followed closely, crouching down over her.


002 | escaped and run into mia, mia's death ethereallawyer January 22 2010, 05:35:21 UTC
Mia didn't get very far at all before she felt herself being pulled back and slammed into the wall. Her head snapped back, crashing into it with a heavy thud. Vision swimming for a second, Mia fell to the floor as her communicator slipped from her fingers.

That hurt nearly as much as Redd's killing blow to her head had.

Struggling to pull herself back up, Mia did the only thing she could think of: She lashed out with her hands, aiming her long fingernails at Faith's face. If she couldn't outrun or over power the other woman, the least she could do was make Faith work for her toy.


002 | escaped and run into mia, mia's death commarogue January 22 2010, 06:10:50 UTC
Faith's head whipped to the side with Mia's outburst, something Faith wouldn't have expected from a lawyer. An actual pair of balls, go figure. She clutches her palm to her face, and turns back to Mia with a wide smile.

"Well shit. Now I'm gonna feel a little bad about this," Faith said, before throwing her fist towards Mia's face to get back at her for the bleeding fucking cuts. What a girl.

Then Faith pulled Mia up into a sitting position, reared back with her knife in hand and drove it in toward her torso, aiming for the woman's diaphragm and lungs. Anybody that would examine the killing wound would probably determine that Faith had meant to avoid long term pain and suffering. She liked that Mia lashed out at her, maybe Faith was different. Somewhat merciful in her own twisted way.


002 | escaped and run into mia, mia's death ethereallawyer January 22 2010, 17:14:37 UTC
Her hand connected and Mia felt a shot of satisfaction at having at least gotten something in to try to stop this downward spiral. The first blow hurt enough to make her reel backwards and clutch at her head. This girl hit hard. Time seemed to both slow down and speed up considerably as Mia felt herself being pulled up by her shirt. She attempted to struggle out of the other woman's grasp, but Mia had never been particularly good at combat or any kind. She looked up just in time to see what appeared to be a knife... aimed directly for her chest. Brown eyes widened in shock seconds before impact and she had a short moment to wonder at the realization that the stab was quick...

And then Mia's strength gave out and her body along with it.


002 | escaped and run into mia, mia's death commarogue January 22 2010, 18:04:32 UTC
She knew the feeling of life leaving a person all too well, and though Faith seemed to have no problem killing, she wasn't big on hanging around the body for too long. Then the feelings started to creep back in, the ones she was trying escape.

Faith stood mechanically, the crazed look in her eyes had faded away as she wiped the knife off on her white wife beater, smearing Mia's blood across it. Once it was feasibly clean, she slipped it back into her boot.

The clomp-clomp of her boots wasn't muffled anymore as she stomped down the hallway in search of the room that would guarantee this all be stopped.


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