Medical-Day 46 (morning) OPEN

Aug 14, 2010 02:07

((Probably a bit after this))

David snorted awake. He didn't know where he was at first. The room seemed foreign. Then his mind began to clear out some of the cobwebs. The last visages of a dream that had him riding a wave on a California ocean with a banana instead of a surfboard disconnected from his memory like cotton candy being doused with water. He vaguely recalled someone trying to wake him from his slumber, asking if he'd like to go back to his quarters. He'd answered that, no, he didn't have a quart of milk but they should ask Jack down the street. And something about replicators as he fell back asleep.

He spent a few moments blinking and getting his bearings back after last night. And, ow, his throat hurt. But his hand felt a lot better. He opened and closed it experimentally. His thoughts went to Gaila then. He took a deep breath because, well, the reflection definitely deserved a big breath to be taken. He cleared his throat again and ran his hand along the front of his neck. If he hadn't been so tired last night he would have probably had the throat treated as well. But being that there was a big damn collection of bruises along his hand at the time it hadn't been a first and foremost priority.

Nobody seemed to be in the immediate area so he took off his crumpled suit jacket and laid it on the biobed before searching for someone.

character: tinny, !nonmission post, timeline: day 46, character: mears, location: med bay, character: mccoy

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