David's Quarters - Day 45 (evening) - [private/unfinished]

Jul 21, 2010 01:36

It had been a rather long day. A frustratingly high number of minor malfunctions made it impossible to finish the efficiency tests for the dilithium chamber on time, and she'd ended up staying in engineering for two hours after her shift had ended. It didn't help that the ensign who was assisting her didn't exactly seem to know what he was doing. It was a relief to get back to her quarters and sink into the pile of pillows that spilled off the bed onto the floor. She slowly relaxed her control over her pheromones, not all the way, but more so than she could around humans. Breathing a slight sigh of relief, she pulled up an engineering journal on her PADD that she'd been meaning to read.

A few minutes later she got a message from David saying simply that he's like to talk to her if she had time. She frowned slightly. It was difficult to tell from a message alone, but she got the feeling that something was wrong. She quickly messaged him back to let him know that she was on her way over. A few moments later her pheromones were fully under control again. When she got to David's quarters, she paused and reduced the output even further to take into account the other Orion's sensitivity before ringing the com.

character: tinny, location: personal quarters, timeline: day 45, character: gaila

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