Resolution-Computer Labs-Day 46 (private/unfinished)

Aug 15, 2010 21:50

He had his voice back. Of that he was eternally grateful. He was also grateful that looking over the diplomatic mission files didn't make him want to smash his fist into a wall anymore. His fist flexed subconsciously as if the member was flourishing in its usability again. Yes, David was grateful for a great many things. But he hadn't had a chance to thank and check up on a certain person.

After several verbal commands to the Enterprise's AI which were met with the responses, command unavailable or failure to understand command, David was finally able to find the key words that led to the welcomed, Lieutenant Gaila is located in computer lab three. Ironic, he thought, that he got full use of his voice just to be misunderstood a dozen or more times. But, to his credit, he was very cordial with the AI. After all, she was making him tea without backtalk anymore.

Dressed in a fresh suit, slate gray with dark red accents and a maroon shirt, David made his way excitedly to the computer lab. He burst (as much as one could burst through sliding doors) into the room to find that two things were true about the lab: one, it was ridiculously cold and two, it was almost completely silent. A chirping of fingers on PADDs was all that he could really hear, he realized. Somebody to his left was thumping heavily on the touch sensitive slates while another had finely manicured nails that ticked against the surface like rain on a pond.

He felt like a little boy in a china shop. He held his arms near him to keep warm and to keep himself from touching or pushing anything that might get him in trouble. He spotted a redhead too red to be human but it fell in a soft curtain. David quickly realized that the woman was Gaila but he wasn't used to seeing her without her curls. He did a double take and considered the change rubbing his hand against his scalp in question of how one got fierce curls to lay flat like that. Once he stopped gawking a few heads turned as he passed quickly through the lab to her computer. He touched her shoulder lightly.

character: tinny, !nonmission post, timeline: day 46, location: biolabs, character: gaila

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