Title: My Body Betrays Me (Chapter Four Part Two: Kurt) PODFIC! (Link to original text
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: non-con/dub-con Kurt/Karofsky, Kurt/Blaine
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Vaguely explained magic, non-con, dub-con, angst, awful situations, manipulation, crack prompt gone serious.
Length: 01:32:39 for this chapter
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Comments 15
Thank you very much about this chapter's voice acting, as well!! :) It was a very intense read, let me tell you. So happy to give you chills. <3 It freaked out Mr. Darling in the other room, because he hates hearing me sound like that even if he knows it's ( ... )
1.) Kurt's tone- you have such a clear control of Kurt's voice! I was enchanted everytime he talked, because I could visualize him speaking in the exact same way.
2.)CHILLS and TERROR during the confrontation. And the way you lead up to the curse breaking.....oh my goodness! It was just a straight shot to the gut, and then straight to the waterworks.
3a.) The aftermath-I read this story about three times before you had ever posted the first audio, and everytime I read this part, I was SO ready for boykisses and happy endings right away, but everytime I am SO glad that doesn't happen, because it makes it so much more realistic the way you describe it happening.
3b.) Hehe, this kind of goes with that. The part where Blaine is getting patched up, and Kurt describes the way he is smiling - it's like a ray of sunlight, and then you portray every line afterward that Blaine says with that same warmth and smile in his voice! So lovely ( ... )
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Have you had a chance to try out the clapping method yet, bb?
But I'm SO happy you were compelled to comment after the yelling confrontation! That section truly was wonderful fun to record; I love getting into the emotions of the scene. And, oh, Dave. I'm so happy Dave is coming across well; the way I read him aloud is the way I hear him in my head when I write the scenes. He's just a weak person, and he's gone too far to go back now. SO happy that he's coming across well, thank you!
Thank you so much! I'm so happy you're still loving it, and that you're eager to hear the rest. ^^;; I'm so sorry for the long wait! Stupid sickness!
Anyway - your reading is excellent. I'm not done yet and will leave you another note when I am, but I seriously had to stop the recording and message one of my friends to handhold me through the gardener's shed scene. It was so intense - masterful writing and performance.
Also, in the scene where Blaine walked in on Karofsky and Kurt - I hid my face on the kitchen counter until it was over, just to keep myself calm. Yeah, I don't know why hiding my face helps me when I'm listening to an audiobook, but it does. Oh, and then I had to remind myself to breathe.
Which just means, you make real worlds with your words.
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