Title: My Body Betrays Me (Chapter Four Part Two: Kurt) PODFIC! (Link to original text
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: non-con/dub-con Kurt/Karofsky, Kurt/Blaine
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Vaguely explained magic, non-con, dub-con, angst, awful situations, manipulation, crack prompt gone serious.
Length: 01:32:39 for this chapter
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The confrontation was very intense to record, for sure. I hope I managed to convey the desperation of the scene -- and how close it came to going so, so wrong -- without edging into over-the-top. I'm sorry to have terrified you, darling!! The boys put themselves into SUCH a dangerous situation with the confrontation, seriously. It could have gone SO much worse than it did. And that order... oh, yes, that order. I've talked about this a lot in the comments for the fic itself, but the idea of purging someone's mind of their memories and experiences and leaving them empty? Is basically the single most terrifying notion to me. I am so honoured that this was one of the most intense podfic experiences for you ever, my lovely, you have no idea.
Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me that. <3
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Have you had a chance to try out the clapping method yet, bb?
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