[First of all, your votes]
x x x x x [basics]
Name/Alias: Ky
Age: 20
Gender: F
Stamped as: Matthew (ehh, the rest aren't important)
[about you]
How would you describe yourself? Friendly, intelligent, calm, eager to please, if a bit demanding, useful, helpful, competitive, flexible, versatile. I can be just about anything that anyone needs me to be, but only if I want to be. If I don't, it shows. I'm a very poor liar unless my heart's in it. I default to pretty happy and chill
How do you think others see you? Pretty much the same, only add on petty and harsh
Strong points: Adaptable, good at seeing both sides of things, in possession of a good work ethic, good at making even really boring things bearable
Weak points: Again, petty, critical (usually in the name of "trying to help"), demanding, selfish, harsh, exacting in my demands and really specific to the point of ridiculous about what I want
Likes: [insert generic art, music, vidya games etc. here] but seriously, like... writing, making layouts, shopping, strange noir fiction, dorking around with my friends, roleplaying, criminology, psychology, cute things, sugar cookies, Mexican food, my tablet, Disney movies, Dane Cook, hunting through Japanese sites for art, hot showers, sexy crazy long-haired swordsmen
Dislikes: small children, entitlement complexes, excessiveness, laziness, sloppy work, sparkly vampires, THESE SECTIONS. Like. I can never think of enough stuff to put down on the spot ):
What are you good at? Everything "Resource gathering." Pretty much anything that I can research, I can be good at. I am a RIDICULOUSLY quick learner, and if I don't know it, I can find it out. But that aside, base skills? Obviously researching, art, writing, anything involving spatial or verbal intelligence, "deconstructing" things in my mind, figuring out solutions to problems, retaining information (I don't study in college at all)...
What are you not so good at? Learning languages. This is pretty much my caveat for the "if I can read it, I can do it." I am so terrible at languages. Studying doesn't help. Also, those "weird" things that people do with their bodies? Like the clover-tongue thing or whistling or blowing bubbles or crossing their eyes? I can't do any of that. Also remembering that people aren't me and aren't as disciplined as I am about things, and that trying to turn people into that won't work.
If you had a theme song, which song would it be?
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked - Cage the Elephant. I'm motivated a lot by just doing what I have to in order to survive, no matter what, though I do try not to hurt people.
[let’s make a choice]
Mature or immature? Mature. I can be willfully immature if I think that it'll help me get what I want, but I'm really a pretty mature (sometimes a little too much... people say I need to lighten up) person
Pessimistic, realistic or optimistic? Realistic/optimistic. I try very hard to be optimistic, but something I slip into realism and... welp, that sucks a lot, because how things "really" are isn't so good. So I often try to stay willfully ignorant of it.
Persistent or weak-willed? HAHA, ask my friends, I'm too damn persistent. If I really want something, I will have it.
Listener or speaker? Both, though a bit more towards speaking. I do like to talk...
Cynical or faithful? More cynical, but if it's a cause I really care about, sometimes I'll abandon that and follow -- usually only if it's beneficial to me or if it's to help someone I care a lot about.
Leader or follower? If I know what I'm doing, I'm a leader. In situations I'm comfortable in, I will either lead or be a really "uppity" follower. In situations I'm unfamiliar with, I'm too indecisive and nervous to do much good.
Rational or emotional? Rational. Hell, most of the time I wish I could be more emotional.
Confident or modest? When I know I'm good, I'm not afraid to show it, so confident. I just have shitty self-esteem, so I don't "know I'm good" at many things.
Outgoing or shy? Shy, usually. But that's only in regards to starting things. Once it's been started, I'm very open and forward.
Energetic or calm? Calm emotionally and expressively. Physically, I'm really energetic. I love physical activity. I just. Have to be pushed into it.
Short-tempered or cold-headed? Online, I'm a total hothead. Offline, I'm pretty much one of the most chill people you'll ever meet. I honestly don't know why that is, because I certainly don't try to be.
Cautious or impulsive? CAUTIOUS to the MAX. I'm so cautious that I dither over EVERYTHING.
Tidy or messy? Let's just say that I compulsively stack things. I have piles of things, and I know what's in every single one of those piles.
Outdoors or indoors? Outdoors except when it's really sunny. I burn too easily ):
Forgiving or vindictive? Forgiving. I don't have the heart to be vindictive. Vindictive people honestly bother me. Either let it go or get some therapy. Whatever you need to move on.
[in the fire emblem realm]
Describe your life in this world: Pretty quiet existence, but if something big comes along, I'll want to get in on it. I don't like to be left out :| Going by my "parents" (stamped as Karel and Gerik), I'd have grown up learning how to fight and be quite good at it, so I'd definitely be useful. Also, my intelligence would get me pretty far.
Do you prefer to work alone or in a group? Small group. When groups get too big, they get too political and full of cliques and gossip and I can't deal with that. It gets in the way of what we're supposed to be doing.
Why do you fight? A) because I enjoy it B) to protect people I care about C) because the swordsmen are hot
Close or long range? Close range. I have really bad aim.
Which stats are more important to you? Speed, skill. Strength is nice, but I'd rather land hits all the time and be able to get out of there fast than be able to take down a mob of generals. Leave that to someone else.
Are you loyal to your leader/employee or would you turn your back on them if the other side made you a better offer? I can be stupidly loyal. I can't bear to turn my back on someone once I've told them I'm on their side. It's why I'm somewhat cautious about giving my loyalty to people, because I know that I have a ridiculously hard time abandoning them.
You’re fighting the bad guys, but they’re super powerful and it looks like you’re going to lose. Do you run, or do you prefer to fight till the very end? I run. I can try to regroup and form a better plan to beat them, but I'm not really down with being dead.