I would love some Sephiran and Sanaki support conversations. ;_;

Aug 02, 2009 18:48

[First of all, your votes]
x x x x x

Name/Alias: Myaru
Age: 20s
Gender: female
Stamped as: Character - Lucia || Parents - Pent and Canas ||

[about you]
How would you describe yourself?
Cynical, apathetic, socially/politically/religiously liberal, personally conservative; I keep to myself, I tend to dress conservatively and consider private life private, which is actually the core of why I'm liberal. I'm easily annoyed, but unless you do something really offensive, I get over it just as easily. I'm more interested in reading and thinking than acting.

How do you think others see you?
Mellow, apparently. This is hilarious given the way I rant about commuters and people in general. I get the feeling people who don't know me think I'm a sad or lonely introvert, when the reality is that I just don't want to talk to them because I have better things to do, and therefore avoid people I don't already know as much as possible. My family claims I'm sweet and empathetic, but this just shows they haven't spent enough time with me lately.

Strong points: The cynicism. It makes me question things and leads to better decisions. Due to previous health issues, I have a high pain tolerance. >_>
Weak points: I tend to assume people are useless unless they prove otherwise. Also, I procrastinate. A lot.

Likes: writing, reading, mythology, Japan, language, lemon-flavored sweets, baking, complaining. Cooking in general, actually. Old strategy manuals, and history, and comparative religion. Just world-building and brainstorming ideas is a lot of fun, whether it's for one of my own projects, or for something like FE6, that doesn't belong to me. Also, cats. I love cats. They're so cute~

Dislikes: people, seriously. Commuting, getting up at the crack of dawn, talking in front of crowds, shopping in crowded places, fish (I really hate fish - you don't know how much. Leave them in the water where they belong!) and cruelty, especially toward animals or children - basically anyone who isn't equipped to defend her/himself, or who trusts the person being cruel. If you pick on the weak, you're contemptible. Shoving your beliefs down someone's throat is also contemptible, and it's usually pretty hypocritical. Oh, and I hate being interrupted. I hate a lot of things actually. :D

What are you good at? writing? being a jerk on forums? not complaining when I'm in pain?
What are you not so good at? math, putting up with people I don't like.
If you had a theme song, which song would it be? I honestly don't know. I can't think of anything that I believe fits me, or my life.

[let’s make a choice] (please elaborate at least a little on your answers)
Mature or immature? mature, according to my friends. I think this opinion comes from the lack of wank in my later fandom years, and the fact that I'm married and have finished college, etc.
Pessimistic, realistic or optimistic? realistic! People prove every day they can't be trusted to make smart decisions, so I don't count on that. :D
Persistent or weak-willed? by default I choose persistent. This really depends on the situation, though. I'm prone to procrastinating on a decision I'm really not sure about, but I'll hammer a point into the ground if I think I'm right.
Listener or speaker? listener. I don't like to talk. I'd rather think. I also tend to sort out my own feelings eventually.
Cynical or faithful? In terms of belief, I assume? I err toward being cynical, and analyze something before I believe it. I consider belief in anything to be a decision you make, instead of an unerring correctness or proof of something's existence, if that makes any sense.
Leader or follower? If I think the leader is good at what s/he does, I'll follow. Otherwise I'll do my own thing. I dislike making decisions for people though, so I prefer to follow.
Rational or emotional? hmmmm. I lean toward rational, as I tend to question the validity of my decisions when I'm feeling bad, and try to think them through harder.
Confident or modest? I'm confident when I know I can do something, but usually I don't shove it in someone's face. Most of the time I don't know that, though, so I second-guess everything I do.
Outgoing or shy? Shy. I don't like talking to people I don't know already.
Energetic or calm? calm. I don't like getting excited over stuff.
Short-tempered or cold-headed? cool-headed, apparently; as above, I'll make myself think before I act if I know I'm angry. It's hard to get me truly angry, though.
Cautious or impulsive? cautious to a fault. I really don't like to take chances with money, career, or education, or anything that'll cause other people trouble.
Tidy or messy? messy. I let cups build up on my desk, and throw my clothes over chairs. :P I know where everything is, though!
Outdoors or indoors? indoors! Nature is prettier when it's not crawling on me.
Forgiving or vindictive? Forgiving, for the most part, but if you do something really disturbing, disgusting, or offensive, especially if it affects or hurts people important to me, I probably won't forgive. Also, if I find out you manipulated me or someone else for your own gain, I won't forgive that, either.

[in the fire emblem realm]
Describe your life in this world:
Well, I would have to grow up in a city with a library, and with enough wealth/influence that I'd be educated and given the opportunity to use resources like that. I'd say a capitol of some kind, one that has a nobility or royal family willing to patronize artists and writers, or scholars. Somewhere peaceful, i.e. not constantly threatened by or embroiled in wars that will endanger squishy mage/scholar types like myself - and of course, the books have to be safe! I'm thinking a place like Sienne (FE9/10), or Aquleia (FE6), a huge city that is the center of continental culture, even if it is a bit mired in its ways. I do need something to complain about, after all, so why not pick on old, stuffy traditionalists?

Do you prefer to work alone or in a group?
Alone, but it helps to have cronies assistants who can run errands so I can get back to my Very Important Work. I really like to work at my own pace. I don't mind having a superior or mentor or something, just as long as they understand that I don't want them to hold my hand or interfere.

Why do you fight?
If someone destroys my library, I'll take them on. I guess I could be convinced to help friends out, too, but I'd prefer to do that by advising, not by fighting. Also, if you hurt someone I love, you're going down.

Outside of those circumstances, you're not getting me away from those books.

Close or long range? Long range! Please, give me magic. Give me Bolting, or something - a ballista.
Which stats are more important to you? Resistance, Speed, Skill. Dodging and double hits are my favorite things ever.

Are you loyal to your leader/employee or would you turn your back on them if the other side made you a better offer?
As long as you're not asking me to make objectionable moral decisions, and you're paying me well for my work, I'll be loyal. What I want is stability. However, if someone presents me an opportunity I think is sound, I'll take it. If you're just employing me (versus a service position like a royal guard, which is based on stronger-than-average loyalty), I see no reason not to switch if I get a better offer.

If we're talking leaders... if you're someone I believe in, and not just my boss, I'll stay no matter what. If I served as someone's knight or tactician, that sort of thing, I would remain loyal, because I wouldn't take the job in the first place unless I felt the person I'd be serving deserved that loyalty.

You’re fighting the bad guys, but they’re super powerful and it looks like you’re going to lose. Do you run, or do you prefer to fight till the very end?
Leave and fight another day. It might just be that the conditions today aren't favorable, and they will be tomorrow. There's no point in dying if your life is more valuable than your sacrifice.

affinity: dark

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