Rath & Wil's support was always my favorite.

Aug 02, 2009 20:28

[First of all, your votes]
x | x | x | x | x

Name/Alias: Nocturne
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Stamped as: Sothe // Parents: Ike & Ranulf

[about you]
How would you describe yourself? I'm kind of a mixture of everything, I think. I'm laid back and easy-going for the most part but can flip the switch and become agressive and outspoken in seconds. I'm stubborn and passionate about the things I believe in, I won't change my mind on something just because somebody doesn't like it. I like to be in control of everything - the situation, my emotions, my reactions, etc - at all times. I tend to be a little manipulative, too. But I'm sympathetic and caring and loyal when it comes to my close friends and family.
How do you think others see you? Others see me as either cold, aloof and distant or as their advice column. Whenever somebody has a problem with something or someone, they come to me with the issue.
Strong points: I'm easy to talk to and I genuinely care about my friends and family; I stick to my beliefs and don't bend for just any reason. I'm creative and objective.
Weak points: I'm emotional and temperamental. I can be pretty judgemental, and I'm very stubborn. I don't like being around people very often and get annoyed easily.
Likes: Music and singing, writing, reading, playing video games. Also, animals, and to a smaller degree - people (though not just any people).
Dislikes: Homophobia, narrow-mindedness, spiders - OMG SPIDERS. HATE THEM. Stupid people.
What are you good at? I've been told I'm good at singing, and that I'm very creative. I have a good eye for colors, and I'm a pretty good decorator.
What are you not so good at? Math, definitely. I like organization and numbers to a point, but once you get into the calculating side of it, I'm lost in seconds. I'm not good at putting myself out there and talking to people, just because I tend to feel like it isn't really worth my time to do so.
If you had a theme song, which song would it be? Oh geez, tough question. Currently, I'd probably say If Today Was Your Last Day by Nickelback. I've been relating to that song so much these last few months.

[let’s make a choice] (please elaborate at least a little on your answers)
Mature or immature? Mature, definitely. Immaturity annoys me. I understand joking around and having fun, but you don't have to act like children to do that.
Pessimistic, realistic or optimistic? Realistic, with a side of pessimism. I see things objectively, but if it comes down to it, I tend to be a leaning a little more toward "things suck" than "things will get better :D".
Persistent or weak-willed? Persistent. Like I said, I'm stubborn to a fault. A really big fault. xD
Listener or speaker? Usually, listener, but I speak up if I need to. I like listening to peoples' problems and trying to fix them.
Cynical or faithful? Cynical. I've always been a little cynical, and it shows through my near-constant sarcasm.
Leader or follower? Leader; I don't like other people making my choices for me.
Rational or emotional? Oh geez. Both? I can be either. I'm pretty emotional at times, but I have the ability to stop, take a step back and look at things objectively, and I tend to do that if it gets really bad.
Confident or modest? Modest. Confidence isn't really something I have in abundance. It's gotten better lately, but I tend to miss all the good things about me until people point them out.
Outgoing or shy? Outgoing, but people think I'm shy because I don't talk a whole lot. If I feel like I need to step in and knock you upside the head or tell you to shut the hell up, and I don't know you - I'll do it anyway.
Energetic or calm? Calm usually, but I can be pretty energetic.
Short-tempered or cold-headed? Short-tempered. Oh god, short-tempered. My fuse is so short that some days one little comment will set me off for hours.
Cautious or impulsive? Probably a little of both. I'm cautious most of the time, but there are days when I'm like, "Hey, let's go sky-diving! Sounds like fun, right?"
Tidy or messy? Both. My bedroom is a huge mess right now, but at work, (cashier, here) my register has to be so clean you could eat off it, and organized my way exactly or I can't function properly. I'm affectionately known as The OCD Child.
Outdoors or indoors? Indoors, usually, but sometimes a little sun is good. :)
Forgiving or vindictive? Vindictive. Yup, that's me. I can hold a grudge for years. Just ask my best friend.

[in the fire emblem realm]
Describe your life in this world: I'd like to grow up learning weaponry and knowing how to defend myself shoudl the need arise. I like the freedom of not being a noble, and being able to control my own destiny, so probably the life of a mercenary company would be best for me (and to be honest, it sounds like fun!). I'd want to have a group of people I'm really close to, that I could rely on if I needed to, but I could still choose to go elsewhere and live my own life.
Do you prefer to work alone or in a group? In a small group. Alone gets lonely, and nothing gets accomplished in large groups.
Why do you fight? For justice.
Close or long range? Long-range. Probably magic-weilder or archer would by my choice, because that way I'm close enough to the action that I don't miss something, but I'm not a melee unit.
Which stats are more important to you? Speed, definitely. Skill is nice, too.
Are you loyal to your leader/employee or would you turn your back on them if the other side made you a better offer? I'm completely loyal, as long as there isn't some internal conflict that makes me distrust them. Money or the guarantee of living won't buy me.
You’re fighting the bad guys, but they’re super powerful and it looks like you’re going to lose. Do you run, or do you prefer to fight till the very end? I'd fight until the very end. If I leave in the middle, who knows what could happen? You never know, things could turn around if I stay. I'd like to keep going until either we win, or I die trying.

affinity: ice

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