RIP Harvey Pekar

Jul 12, 2010 14:47

 Harvey Pekar died at the age of 70, he was a cancer survivor and had a brilliant, if relatively uncelebrated, career as a comic book writer.  His book Our Cancer Year was easily the most honest and brilliant graphic novel about cancer ever written.

He wrote a long comic book series called American Splendor, which was about the struggles of an ordinary (and rather bitter) man, he had some brilliant artists attached, including R. Crumb (a long time friend of Harvey's).  A movie was made starring Paul Giamatti, which I highly recommend.

Harvey Pekar appeared on David Letterman's show many times, and actually their quarrels were always one of the most interesting things about him.

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Rest in Peace Harvey Pekar, I hope you are never forgotten.

comicbooks, harvey pekar, david letterman, american splendor, our cancer year

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