Justice David Souter (retired)

Jul 05, 2010 08:43

Have I mentioned lately how much I love David Souter? I dreamed about him last night! It was the first time I had ever dreamed about him.... he was so sweet to me in my dream, we sat and chatted for a while!   I fell in love with him during his confirmation hearings, I had seen a lot of confirmation hearings when I worked at Judiciary but no one had ever captured my heart before.  Of course (if you watch the video linked above) you'll notice that he is very cagey about his opinion on 'activist' judges... not like how clear he was recently at Harvard's 2010 graduation: 

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he enraged a lot of conservatives who always suspected him...

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of course NOW there are those nitpicking the fact that Souter doesn't condemn the Supreme Court of the past who upheld segregation because Souter thought that those men, at that time, might have felt that their decision upheld progress....  He didn't want to apply a modern sensibility to a historic situation, he didn't want to condemn men who were doing their best for their time....

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You'll notice he was comparing Plessy and Brown to make a point, not to admire the thinking behind the decision in 1896.  He was talking about why the decision in Brown (in 1954) was correct (and not an example of activist judges).

I just admire him, and his mind, so much!  Intelligent men make me hot.

activist judges, justice david souter, dreams, the supreme court

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