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fabyenn January 15 2012, 21:27:21 UTC
Lovely as always, but I'm sure you knew that already. I wish that somebody on the show had spoken on Gwen's behalf, given that they all know her, so I was glad here that somebody did! Gwaine, my hero!

I do hope you won't take so long to post the next part, lol. Great work!


a_g_doren January 15 2012, 21:55:34 UTC
Or even if someone just questioned it. "This doesn't make sense this isn't something Gwen would do." They needed to show that, none of the characters were well served by how they handled it. Even in the versions of myths when she actually cheats a number of the knights speak up for her. *le sigh*


mara93 January 15 2012, 23:59:06 UTC
Okay, I'm going to chime in here, lol ( ... )


a_g_doren January 16 2012, 16:12:41 UTC
Once Merlin knew that Lancelot was a shade he should have done more. My roommate and I actually concluded that Merlin just shouldn't have been in the episode in the first place. Everything would have played out the way it did more or less and the time devoted to letting us see Merlin fail in this episode could have been devoted to the reaction of the knights without Arthur present.This episode just should have been Merlin-lite.

I have a pretty decent job and I got it because of my older sister. Once I pretended that it was myself and my older sister in the situation Elyan's behavior made a lot more sense to me. I still don't agree with his choice but I could understand his anger and frustration.

I hope everyone is more developed in S5. Seriously Merthur is not that interesting.


mara93 January 16 2012, 18:13:06 UTC
Wait, I'm looking back at your earlier comment. Which knights spoke up? I'm really curious.

Yeah, Merlin's place in the episode didn't help much, except at the end. I loved that scene of him watching her go. Everything was written on his face, but that's because Colin is just so good. It doesn't matter what he's given. He can make it work.

I would have loved to have seen the knights' reaction without Arthur around.

Ah, Elyan, I just can't excuse him, more than Merlin even. If we had one scene like with Merlin where he watched her emotionally at least, it would have made it better. But we didn't even get that. That's why here, I barely have him. I just didn't like how Elyan acted during all this. I wanted a show of emotion toward his sister, something.

She's queen now, so yeah season five needs to do a lot about that. I hope they do! And the knights. I enjoyed Percival mostly this season. I want more development for the others.


a_g_doren January 16 2012, 19:27:21 UTC
Who speaks up for Gwen depends on which version. Usually it is either Gwaine or Merlin that speaks up or defies Arthur sentencing Gwen to burn at the stake or some such ( ... )


mara93 January 16 2012, 20:15:09 UTC
I know so little of the legend compared to a lot of you, still learning, so I love to hear about it. Thank you. I guess Gwaine was the right choice then. And I had no idea Agravaine even figured into it in legend. Interesting.

Yeah, for me Elyan is more like he was in my other story. That's season three Elyan anyway.

Merthur? You know this season there was so much of Arthur in bed, Merlin waking him up. Now that he's married, what are they going to do with that? I doubt unfortunately we're going to see much of AG in bed, innocent scenes of course, but I bet they're going to pass all that up now. It's not fair though because we had so many scenes of Merlin waking up a shirtless Arthur etc.

Still, I'm very curious at what's to come.


mara93 January 16 2012, 00:01:50 UTC
Well, it's always nice to hear because you're never totally certain, especially after editing a lot, lol.

I love Gwaine, especially season three Gwaine, so to sneak him in here was fun.

Hee, I'll try not to. Thanks!


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