DORKAGE: House 4x05 Mirror, Mirror

Oct 31, 2007 22:41

Oh MAN, I am SO GLAD I took the half-day off from work today, which means I could grab the latest House episode much earlier than I normally would. It's not even 11pm and I'm all ready with caps for the IMMENSE AMOUNT OF SQUEE-AGE THAT WILL ENSUE. I swear, if you're a House/Cuddy shipper? There's just so so so MUCH in this episode to chew over and ( Read more... )

house/cuddy, house s4, housedorkage

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jukebox_grad October 31 2007, 18:44:36 UTC
The meat of it -- I was patiently reading along! I was going to post some caps with my commentary, but then realized I didn't really have the time and energy to spend on that, and I knew you'd have the best scenes ( ... )


ellixian November 1 2007, 16:46:31 UTC
OMG, I LOVE when we fangirl H/C. Because, hee. There's so much to love! And everything you point out makes me love them more!! (BTW, your icon is ten thousand kinds of gorgeous, because, hello, TCA pics? PWNED MY SOUL when they were released.)

Good call on the 'one of'. Cuddy should definitely include her butt and legs as her best features too. Hell, throw it all in. She's that hot. ;)

I'm as torn as you are about whether I want the sneaky reveal (oh look, they've been schtupping since he turned up on her doorstep last season!) or the big explosion. I think I'd still prefer the latter, if we could get it - I want to see it happening (again) for the first time, and the circumstances that led up to it. For DEFINITE.

Okay. House can be 12. I still think he'd be an insanely smart 6-year-old though. The annoying kind who won't take no for an answer but whose questions you can't answer. ;)

OMG. It MUST BE CONDIMENTS. Because that's so much funnier! Now I have to go back and listen to that moment - AND IT IS CONDIMENTS, for sure! Hee! ( ... )


jukebox_grad November 1 2007, 20:31:19 UTC
Our back-and-forth fangirling has only gotten me MORE excited about House (and Huddy, of course, but House and Huddy are kind of synonymous for us, no?). I think you're the only person right now who's as into dissecting everything with this much scrutiny as I've been trying to do as of late. And yessss, the TCA pics were beautiful. The keyword for that one is "can't stand it" because I almost cannot ( ... )


ellixian November 2 2007, 18:23:51 UTC
The mutual flailing is definitely something I've LOVING. It's great to find someone willing to talk House, Cuddy and House/Cuddy with me and who won't find me strange/insane/scary for being quite as invested in it as I am. Hey, everyone needs some form of escapism, right?! ;) I've been dissecting House by my lonesome for a while, so it's great to break out of my solitary funk and find likeminded souls happy to flail with me to our hearts' content ( ... )


jukebox_grad November 3 2007, 19:54:58 UTC
Hm, investment? The other night I brought up the astronaut chick and absurdity of her dropping $50,000 as if that would cover all her medical expenses. My dad didn't hear the beginning and he says, "Who was this?" "Um.. it was on House." And I tried to fangirl a little with my mom, who watches the show sometimes. She was away during the week, so I felt it necessary to let her know that House and Cuddy MIGHT be sleeping together already. She didn't quite care as much as WE do, though. But we're doing awesome -- we're not JUST flailing. We're flailing with SUBSTANCE, as well. It also balances out all of the kshifasa;msadfsdh SEX! thoughts ( ... )


ellixian November 5 2007, 16:50:05 UTC
When all my life references become TV shows, I know it's time to start censoring myself. ;) There was a period of time when I was SO obsessed with the X-Files that literally everything reminded me of Mulder/Scully. It was NUTS. I had to censor myself around RL people ALL THE TIME. I haven't quite reached that level with H/C, though I suspect I'm getting there. All I need is a kiss and I'm a goner ( ... )


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