DORKAGE: House 4x05 Mirror, Mirror

Oct 31, 2007 22:41

Oh MAN, I am SO GLAD I took the half-day off from work today, which means I could grab the latest House episode much earlier than I normally would. It's not even 11pm and I'm all ready with caps for the IMMENSE AMOUNT OF SQUEE-AGE THAT WILL ENSUE. I swear, if you're a House/Cuddy shipper? There's just so so so MUCH in this episode to chew over and ( Read more... )

house/cuddy, house s4, housedorkage

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jukebox_grad November 1 2007, 20:31:19 UTC
Our back-and-forth fangirling has only gotten me MORE excited about House (and Huddy, of course, but House and Huddy are kind of synonymous for us, no?). I think you're the only person right now who's as into dissecting everything with this much scrutiny as I've been trying to do as of late. And yessss, the TCA pics were beautiful. The keyword for that one is "can't stand it" because I almost cannot!

I don't think there's any doubt, given the way Cuddy walks around the hospital, particularly when walking away from House, that Cuddy would also rank her ass pretty high on the hotness inventory.

I've been torn about sneaky versus hotness-on-screen, too. It would be a certain kind of fantastic to have it just revealed that they've been going at it all this time, and reassuring that little has changed (depending on when it all started, because if it was pre-s3, it only got HOTTER) in the House/Cuddy dynamic. But that also puts a bit more pressure on things, because you really get to see the beginning of the relationship unfold -- you join it midway, so it sort of hastens it. You know it can't be buttercups and sunshine for their relationship forever, so now you're halfway through it! And yes, I want to see the extra sparkly fireworks (in Cuddy's office, or the DDX Table of Love). It'd be hot regardless of what they do, but seeing it from the start offers more variety of hotness. Like awkward hotness.

I couldn't check the captions, but I decided to put stock in "condiments." It does make the joke significantly funnier (4/5 comedians agree).

Cuddy IS way beyond the stroking-his-ego level, so I could definitely buy that. I felt from her expression that she really didn't expect it to work at all. Cuddy can mindfuck House as well as well as she can/will fuckfuck him. Also, Cuddy's, "I'm the DEAN of Medicine" was kind of weak which could further support (wank) the alpha fake-out idea. Hm, interesting indeed. I think I need you to point out the most interesting threads/ideas so I know where to start! ;)

The birth control (which I apparently keep typing as BITCH control). I still don't quite have a lot of stock in the writers, because, how many writers/directors have they had over the years? HOWEVER... you know Lisa is hyper-aware enough that I really don't think she'd let it slip through the cracks without some assurance that there's a point (not without a fight at the very least, and the writers have taken her input to heart so far). I had serious doubts Foreman ACTUALLY said that, because I thought I was hearing what I wanted to hear. Hm, could Cuddy's look as House revealed his masterful retaliatory plan have been a response to a hint from him that he may be warming up to the idea, if they are indeed secretly together? That might be reading TOO much into it, but this is land of a thousand fanwankers.

There's been some photos of Lisa that have led to speculation, I think, mostly because of the style (which IS IN style right now) and also, the boobs are looking a little extra copious as of late. Could be a very modest weight gain and that's where she gains/loses, who knows. I just saw some pictures of her from a few days ago, though, in a more fitted dress and she definitely didn't look like she had a tummy. I think it's just tough to tell with certain clothes.

I think LE snuck out a little with the, "Seriously!" too. And I loved it! This scene shall forever be epic to Huddy shippers near and far. And I can imagine that Hugh made each take unique, so you never quite knew what goofy move he'd use next!

I will absolutely have to try to make icons this weekend. I think there is a physical need.


ellixian November 2 2007, 18:23:51 UTC
The mutual flailing is definitely something I've LOVING. It's great to find someone willing to talk House, Cuddy and House/Cuddy with me and who won't find me strange/insane/scary for being quite as invested in it as I am. Hey, everyone needs some form of escapism, right?! ;) I've been dissecting House by my lonesome for a while, so it's great to break out of my solitary funk and find likeminded souls happy to flail with me to our hearts' content!

Getting the reveal that they've been getting it on for a while would be satisfying insofar as it would prove that it COULD work, for the two of them, even though it's never going to be all sunshine and roses, as you point out. For dramatic purposes, they'd probably have to break up just to give House more angst (that seems to be the fundamental purpose of the show). But I'd still like some hot H/C sexage before that happens. I guess that's where the experience of having been a diehard Mulder/Scully fan (my first OTP) comes in - in a way, it REALLY bugged to be told after eight seasons that they'd started doing the nasty a while back but we were never SHOWN it... but also recognising that nothing could quite match up to the explosive first instance of schtupping that a million fans the world over have already imagined ad infinitum. It's a tough line to tread, I guess. But much as this episode lets us fanwank until our brain explode, I'm still holding out hope that they haven't done it, yet. I want to see it happen, dammit!

The fanwanking idea about Cuddy being the true alpha really does appeal to me the more I think about it - as you point out, and after rewatching, she really isn't bringing the fearsome at all. She's really smiley and sweet when announcing she's the Dean of Medicine, which doesn't really suggest a whole lot of power as compared to House's declaration that he's the guy who saved POTW's life. Btw, you should patent this line ftw: "Cuddy can mindfuck House as well as she can/will fuckfuck him." ROFL. LOVE.

You're right about being thankful that LE is around to ensure her character doesn't do anything she's not comfortable with. I really am glad that, ultimately, she is the alpha and omega when it comes to Huddy. Seriously, it's all thanks to her that you can legitimately mine the hell out of the H/C relationship when going back to older episodes, when H/C banter and interactions were less texty (as opposed to subtexty) than they were in Season 3. And I'm glad the writers have taken on board so many of the ideas she had for the H/C backstory. So yes, if anything, she will steer our ship right. Here's hoping, anyway! ;)

Dude, it would be just like LE/Cuddy to gain weight in the boobs area. As if she hadn't been hot enough to begin with! And she doesn't look different to me. Gorgeous as always. It'd be quite interesting if she really IS pregnant though, and that they're changing the show to account for that. Hmmm. Gives whole new dimension to that BC thing, huh? ;)

The VICTORY DANCE scene (always needs caps, that) is definitely going down in H/C history as one of our best scenes ever. Right along with "microbes can be sneaky" in Who's Your Daddy. Man, that scene kills me in every way possible. The hotness is just... GAH.

Yay for icons! GayForHerself!Cuddy icons, please!! ;)


jukebox_grad November 3 2007, 19:54:58 UTC
Hm, investment? The other night I brought up the astronaut chick and absurdity of her dropping $50,000 as if that would cover all her medical expenses. My dad didn't hear the beginning and he says, "Who was this?" "Um.. it was on House." And I tried to fangirl a little with my mom, who watches the show sometimes. She was away during the week, so I felt it necessary to let her know that House and Cuddy MIGHT be sleeping together already. She didn't quite care as much as WE do, though. But we're doing awesome -- we're not JUST flailing. We're flailing with SUBSTANCE, as well. It also balances out all of the kshifasa;msadfsdh SEX! thoughts. ;)

They can find another way to reassure us that it can work without changing things dramatically. Obviously, Foreman would easily buy that House and Cuddy are already sleeping with each other, and I think in the past, Cameron has alluded to it as well. WE think House and Cuddy could maintain a relationship that lasts, but at the very least, they'll have to hit some bumps. Maybe ultimately, they'll still have H/C in mind, who knows (I'd like to think they could see it, rather than ending it with House being an eternal loner). And I hope our fanwanking has a certain legitimacy, and we're not just... making nothing into something. I REALLY hope we're on to something here!

I think I'm rather proud of my mindfuck/fuckfuck line. I'm so poetic! Okay, let's choose to believe that it was a masterful ego-stroking performance by Cuddy. I definitely like that idea, because Cuddy sort of wins one!

I don't think the writers could continue to overlook the sex that is Hugh/Lisa, in favor of other ships they might've had in mind longer. So, a thousand yays for LE's dedication to Cuddy and all things Huddy, too.

I don't really think she's pregnant -- now, anyway -- but there WERE a few pictures where you had to wonder. It would be fun if it pushed the H/C thing. Although I'm not sure where I stand on pregnant!Cuddy actually happening. They'd really have to handle it the right way.

Microbes can be sneaky. Thanks for reloading me up with the visual again! "I'm pretty sure you've got that." SEX. Seriously, a H/C free association game would be so boring, because I think all I'd throw out is, "SEX! HOT SEX! TABLE SEX! SEX SEX SEX!" *is deep*


ellixian November 5 2007, 16:50:05 UTC
When all my life references become TV shows, I know it's time to start censoring myself. ;) There was a period of time when I was SO obsessed with the X-Files that literally everything reminded me of Mulder/Scully. It was NUTS. I had to censor myself around RL people ALL THE TIME. I haven't quite reached that level with H/C, though I suspect I'm getting there. All I need is a kiss and I'm a goner!

Now THAT'S what I need an icon of: "Flailing - with SUBSTANCE." LOL, us for the win!

Of course, we're agreed on the possibility of a H/C relationship working in the long term - heck, I think it's House (and Cuddy's) best chance to get with anyone, ever. Because they fit, and they work, and even if they drive each other mad (which they no doubt will), it's still going to be the best thing that's ever happened to them. Errr, schmoopy much? Pardon me - I'm in a bit of a fluffy mood these days. Escapism from work, I suspect. ;)

What I MEANT to say was, yes, I agree that I think House CAN wind up with someone. I'm really wondering how the show is going to end, though I hope it doesn't, for a long time - House back to where he was in Season 1, except he's gone through all this crap with other people, but he's still lonely? Awww, come on. Give him a Cuddy! ;)

Pregnant!Cuddy could definitely be a shark-jumping moment. I'm not particularly keen for a baby myself, much less the horror that might be a Huddy baby. Oh, in theory, the baby would be adorably kickass. But the show might fall apart. But is it too much to ask to have follow-up on the babyarc, darn it?!?!

H/C Free Association Game OF WIN!! ROFL. You're right. I find that my mind inevitably hits the gutter with these two. Like, after I saw the new promo? I immediately thought up a couple of replies to Cuddy from House - all of them dirty. I'm SUCH a perv. ;)

Can't wait for the new episode soon soon SOON!


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