So I think my Christmas Spirit packed up and went to Mexico, miserable bastard. So I may have bought myself an early gift to see if I could seduce it back...
I went out and bought my AWE DVD on Tuesday, and found when I went home I just wasn't that juiced to sit and watch. But I did, once (with going back for certain scenes, dialogue and Will ;P) and this has been percolating for a few days
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I am currently re-watching CotBP and DMC in anticipation of seeing AWE again Tuesday night (cheap night, don't you know). I'm gonna have to book the theater room sometime and re-watch on an 8ft screen
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So finally getting around to posting something about all this. Not much though, I feel a little like a hit and run victim. Its like I saw this thing, but I'm not sure what I saw, it's going to take a few more viewings to provide coherence.
Not like that's going to stop me from rambling on or anything. :p