I am currently re-watching CotBP and DMC in anticipation of seeing AWE again Tuesday night (cheap night, don't you know). I'm gonna have to book the theater room sometime and re-watch on an 8ft screen.
I still feel kind of punch drunk, I mean I saw this movie, I know I did, I have the receipt, the fabulous free posters (some how I ended up with 2, but that's okay, they're double sided!) I know how it ends, I remember specific stuff, but it's all pretty jumbled in my poor little brain.
I really am very fond of bitchy!indignant!baby!CotBP!Will, he's quite delightful, all stiff and self-righteous. I continue to be puzzled over the whole Orlando=bland/boring. In his first scene he is so earnest and young and puppy, with his smudgy little mustache, and big brown eyes, all 'A craftsman is always pleased to hear his work is appreciated' and 'At least once more, Miss Swann, as always.' Delightful.
I really need to find out what Elizabeth uses in her hair, 'cause seriously, waking up with hair looking like that, I am seriously jealous.
Poor Will, so lonely, obviously fond of the donkey and talking to his passed-out master and tools. Far too much time spent on his own.
Johnny has gorgeous hands. So does Orlando, they are huge.
Still not seeing the sexual tension between Jack and Elizabeth, even when it's supposed to be there, like the 'easy on the goods' scene. Just not getting it. But man, it freakin' sizzles between Jack and Will.
I'm glad they got Will some boots.
I think that Orlando keeps his facial hair short because it's curly. Even the little he has, including the sideburns, seems to have life of its own, determined to go its own way. Which only makes sense considering the other hair on his head. I'm pretty sure the reason they kept it so wet and kind of greasy looking for all three films was, otherwise, the humidity would have had him looking like a poodle. Hee.
This wasn't meant to be a CotBPgasm, so I'm moving on.
I read a review recently, er... more that one actually, but this one had a reviewer deeply offended that Will was lippy and disrespectful to Barbossa, and all 'how dare he! the miserable little whelp'. Seeing as when Will met ol' Hector, he was pretty darn eager to slit his throat for his own ends, Will deserves to not think all that well of the man, and give him all the attitude he wants, kthxbye.
For some reason, it really sticks with me that both Jack and Barbossa were very quick to name Will betrayer and get all self-righteous. And despite the fact that I love when on the sandbar Will acknowledges his machinations when Beckett suggests the true betrayer is Jack, this really smacks of 'pot meet kettle'. Seriously, neither Jack nor Barbossa have a leg to stand on between them when it come to screwing people over.
It also really stood out for me that while Elizabeth is making new friends and forming life-long bonds with all and sundry, Will becomes more and more alienated as the film goes on, until he's completely cut off. Elizabeth gets a lovely goodbye scene with all her piratey brethren, Will gets cursed. I would love to know what some of these guys were thinking when they found out Will was the new CotFD, and the saver of their collective bacon.
I find it interesting that in a 'world' were coming back from the dead happens twice, people question the logistics of the curse being lifted in 10 years. If we can have undead, bony pirates, shot point blank in the chest be fine when un-cursed. Fishy crab heads, who literally lose their heads, only to have it re-attached at a later point, who also seem to survive being un-cursed. Why is it so hard to believe that Will's heart just goes back to were its supposed to be? (I don't think he was stabbed in the heart, that pretty much would have killed him instantly. More likely it was a nice juicy, sucking chest wound, with possible heart nickage). I guess it makes it more difficult for Elizabeth to be a faithless bitch. Ah well, thems the breaks.
I really do think that AWE did a pretty impressive job of completely and utterly scuttling the J/E 'ship. There was no resolution, because there was nothing to resolve. As T and/or T mentioned somewhere, 'there is no love triangle' (I really need to find this link). And why is it that this tasty little tid-bit has never come up in the 'what is canon' discussions?
The curse. My own canon, as suggested previously, is that it is broken at the 10 years, but that neither Will or Elizabeth knew that when they parted. They are not allowed to see each other at all during that time. Will is not roaming the seas looking for the dead, he is in that 'other world' they had so much trouble trying to figure out how to get out of. And he may even be tied there until his 10 years are up (unlikely). Either way in order for him to do his job, he must remain in that place and ferry the dead.
I do wonder what his price is though. Mythology suggests you needed a coin or two to get across the River Styx, or else you were doomed to wander the shores for 100 years, huh. Is that were Jones got his '100 years before the mast' idea from, or was that purely to piss Calypso off?
My sister still has the best theory for why the curse isn't forever. And the more I think about it, the more I like it. The idea that Jack wouldn't have put Will and/or Elizabeth in that position if there wasn't a way out. Really, is his altruistic act all that altruistic if he dooms Will to an immortal life he never wanted, to watch the woman he loves grow old and die in 10 year increments? Wouldn't it have been kinder to let Will die and find peace? To let Elizabeth grieve and move on? If he does this solely for Elizabeth's benefit, how does it actually help her? Condemning her, as it does, to a life alone (the 'remaining true' clause is all over AWE even if the '10 and done' isn't). If it is forever, she still 'loses' Will.
And Will is pretty much a Demi-God, so Jack jumping into Elizabeth's bed to 'console' her is still just as likely to get his ass smoked now as it was then. And Elizabeth jumping into bed with Jack to 'console' herself is still just a likely to get Jack's ass smoked. Not to mention, the 'Pirate King' would be bringing a world of hurt on her own head, not to mention acting completely out of character. She doesn't love Jack, doesn't pine for him, or regret her decision.
Back to Jack's decision to 'save' Will by having him stab the heart. If Jack knows there is way out of the curse, specifically the one laid out by T&T in their endless natterings, it makes more sense for him to have made that decision. By this point he knows that Elizabeth's heart lies with Will (not that I ever believed that Jack doubted that, since he exploits it in DMC. Nor do I believe that he actually cares, Jacks interest has always been focused south of that particular organ) and he knows them both well enough to realize that they could meet the stipulations of the curse. I just don't think that Jack would curse Will without some idea that it could be broken, and not in a manner that would require killing Will. Jack cares for both Elizabeth and Will and I don't think he would want to put either in that position.