Well, you get the picture.
Neil is at work until midnight, and I have many errands before me. I need to get the right headlamp fixed. It quit working last night. I need to visit a couple of grocery stores.
Supper last night was simple: hot link sausages and beans for Neil, and Gruyere/Roasted Garlic Chicken sausages (courtesy of Costco) for me, along with a bowl of beans. Simple, but delicious and filling! Tonight will be some kind of Mexican...possibly tamales with a side of Spanish rice and refritos.
I'm going to get adventurous and try my hand at making char siu baos. Neil is also getting a recipe for tamales from one of the ladies at work. Mmmm...homemade tamales!
Apria is coming to pick up their piece of garbage wheelchair today, and good riddance! Naturally, they're not coming until the latter part of the afternoon (when I would normally be napping). That is, IF they come. Last time we tried this, they decided to reschedule to another day and sort of failed to mention it to us.
So, once again, we have dragons, and a little something else. I've started adopting critters from ChickenSmoothie.com. They're cats. You know me and cats. How could I refuse?
I was tempted...and I fell.
Pet's name: Mysterie Felinia
Adopt your own!
Pet's name: Karma
Adopt your own!
Pet's name: Northstar
Adopt your own! ♦♦♦
My eggs and hatchlings:
My scroll:
Neil's hatchlings:
We got lucky and snagged an ungendered silver hatchling from the AP. I'm kind of wondering if this was a transfer. If anyone recognizes it, let me know.
Neil's scroll:
http://dragcave.net/user/menelrandir I'd better get moving if I want that headlamp fixed. Take care, all and have a pleasant weekend!