I meant to, while I was doing other things, back up a bunch of stuff on this computer onto my external hard drive so that I could take it in to Best Buy tomorrow. That....didn't happen. I might take it anyway and take my chances. I don't have much on the go for writing atm
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Well, after my last post, I got an email asking me to come for bilingualism testing for a job I applied for back in March. This is basically a weeding phase, but I'm confident I can pass it. Then maybe a real interview, eventually. The job is pretty much exactly what I was telling
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This morning's Facebook memory was that my graduation was three years ago today. I still have mixed feelings about my degree and I'm not sure I'll ever get over them. ( And that about sets up the mood for this post. )
Note: I wrote this up on Friday as an email to myself, and I was feeling a little despondent. Now I'm lazing in my room with Maze so while the situation is not really any better I'm more blazé about it.
I start a new job tomorrow! I'm a Digitization Assistant! Digitizing stuff from archaeological collections at an Ontario-based archive and research institute
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Yesterday I found out that I didn't get the job that I first tested and then interviewed for. It was basically a job doing exactly the same sort of stuff I'd done at my last job, so that was kind of a blow
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The interim university president, who is only here for about another month, decided to be magnanimous and give us half a day off for Good Friday. On the one hand, I am really not religious, on the other hand -yay, half day
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