So, I managed to get up slightly before ten. And then my bookcase came! So I spent the morning - and the better part of the afternoon - putting it together, filling it, and generally reorganizing my room. I even put up more art! It's so much better now! And it was even easy to find a place to store my suitcase in the basement. And I managed
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Thirteen today. We split the party in three. Other people got cool politics or spying. We got an eldrich horror. Of course! But my character has dogs now so I didn't go as crazy (though I did lose sanity). I did post the story about my character getting the dogs :3
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It snowed overnight, and I got my Serious Snow Boots out of storage for the first time this winter. It wasn't really necessary, except that the waterproofing on my other boots was failing, and I would have to trek through some ankle deep snow, and did want to deal with wet feet all day. It is cold atm. This weekend is is going to be well up over
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Despite being awake and staring at my computer until almost 3 AM yesterday, I somehow managed not to make an entry. I am really bad at making and keeping habits. I am totally the person who will do something everyday for a year and then just miss it one day with no reason. I wonder about my brain sometimes :p Sometimes I wish you could just get
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So, I missed a post yesterday, and as self-punishment I am making myself write (or at least start) one-on-one my phone on the way up to the museum. Today I am going to continue looking for some stuff at SA, and then scan it if I do. I enjoy having concrete things to do
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