Hello Internets!
I have been pretty busy lately, mostly with getting ready for Webercon. I am looking forward to it and I think the game I am running will be good, but I also feel like this is eating waaaaay too much time that I should be spending on other things. Like more active job searching, and getting a more solid plan in place for what to do if I haven't found anything by, say, May, so that I'm not trying to leave the country in a disorganized scramble with no plans beyond couch hop between Longpig and Curtana's houses indefinitely. I need some actual plans like say - what is my timeline for giving upon a museum job and what will I look for if that doesn't work out? Can I get by mooching with some terrible part time job for the short term and keep looking for a bit? How long is a bit? Where do I actually want to live if I'm not chasing a job in a particular elite industry? What, in general, the hell am I going to do?
I'm not quite panicked yet, but I am also not at all encouraged by the response I have gotten from anything I've applied for to date, which has ranged from more or less polite rejection to dead silence. I *did* get a notification that one job I'd applied for was reposted under a different classification. I assume they notified everyone who applied so as not to get any kind of hopes I have up, though it would be a pretty awesome job.
In less life-flailing (or perhaps flailing in a different vein),
curtana will be here *tomorrow*! I'm super excited! This is the second year that she's been able to time her visit to coincide with Webercon, but I'm only working Monday next week, so we should still have plenty of time to spend with just us, or visiting more casually with local folks. We don't as yet have plans to go and do anything super exciting, but I may drag her out to see a movie if there is still anything good playing.
I need to do some house prep type things tonight, as I'll be out a big chunk of the day tomorrow, hanging out with
tethys123, eating pie, doing yarny things (I am going to help her card some wool for her to spin, and probably I will use the time to graft the toe of a sock. I want to work on some game stuff if time and toddler permit, as well. And maybe I can start unfucking my Ishbel shawl, which is totally fucked up in a subtle but serious way for about 4-6 rows of lace. *cries* But there will be pie (for pie day!) and tea (always tea) possibly in a fancy tea set, and we might watch Pride and Prejudice, which I am honestly not a huge fan of, but I *am* a fan of wet shirtless Colin Firth, and I like the idea of Pie And Prejudice as a tradition of sorts, and it will be something on in the background that I can mostly happily ignore. Tethys123 is a fan though. We'll see how it goes, again, toddler permitting.
Oh and yes, the sad. I am Sad at Leonard Nimoy's passing and I am sad at Terry Pratchett's passing. I'm glad they were both surrounded by loved ones and, in Pterry's case, a kitty. They were both kind of iconic for me - I used to watch Sunday Star Trek re-runs with my mom and my sister when I was little. And I still remember picking Guards! Guards! out of the the Science Fiction Book Club list out of vague curiousity when I was signing up and trying to choose all my free books (along with City of Bones, the Martha Wells one from....several years ago) and falling in love (with both - I found two of my favourite authors that way <3). I think I am caught up on *ownership* of Discworld books after this Christmas, but not on reading them. Maybe if I wind up living on my sister's couch we can start a (possibly Selective) Star Trek re-watch...