For those of you playing along with the saga of the big ass scary truck and its missing name, it appears that "Darth VROOOM" is edging out the competition - with Silent Bob running a close second. (Although, the fangirl in me feels compelled to point out that the Winchesters - when combined into one fighting force - are Silent Bob's statistical
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I was very good today when buying a kosode (pretty pink fabric with floral motif, not at all obnoxious like the pink uchikake from hell) and refrained from giving a lecture on obi when asked if I needed one. I simply said, "Not particularly." The merchant decided that I needed one anyway, so we picked an obi from the bag.
You know, if I wanted to pick up a chick over the Internet, I probably wouldn't be responding to e-mails from someone named Brent or Joe or Robert. Just saying.
Of all the relevant dates bouncing through my head right now, you'd think the most prominent would be my Sarbanes-Oxley deadlines. Or the SCA events on the two upcoming weekends. And the gaming we're doing when not at SCA events. But, oh no. My brain doesn't work that way. The one thing *I* keep stressing is the fact that masahide is getting dragged
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