
Apr 23, 2017 08:51

I've had a couple busy days - Friday we went to the funeral for Char's husband Jim, and then to the lunch afterwards - held at the Amazing Foods restaurant. Dave and I sat with an interesting guy named Doug. He had lost a large amount of weight and listening to him I was inspired to try a little harder to eat better. It's funny how often, if you try, you can find all kinds of ways you might connect with others. The more we talked the more ways I could see that we shared happenings and stages in our lives. Caring for parents, losing parents, people in nursing homes, working at Polk, weight issues. On Saturday Dave and I drove over to State College for a memorial for Dave's brother Bruce. It was held in a grange hall. It seemed about perfect for what Bruce might have liked as a memorial. Lots of people got up and told stories of Bruce and the kind of person he was. He was a troubled person but also a guy who loved to work and showed his love for others with his mechanical and woodworking skills and the creations of his hands. He loved to hunt and fish and introduced many kids to that. So that was the second part of a nice sendoff for him. Later in May, the family is going to the Clarion River and spread his ashes there - it was a place he loved to go and he buried his dog Maggie there. I hope the weather is good for that and we can camp for the weekend.

A drawing done this morning. The little feeder birds outside my window:

It looks like today is shaping up to be a nice day. Fog in the morning usually means sunny later.

Plans for the day:
Pay the real estate taxes - the pile of them is on the table in front of me. For most people paying RE taxes isn't that much of a job but for us because our retirement scheme is tied into owning timber lands we have many bills to pay. About 9.
Make a bell rope for Bruce's daughter Brandy - I want to give her a thank you gift for just being the nice person she is. I had a long talk with her yesterday and the more I find out about her the more I like her.
Get out and walk somewhere with Dave and Andy.

char, birds, taxes, prisma, bruce, art a day, brandy

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