The bear made its spring visit last night and pulled all the feeders down and bent the poles they were on. He (or she) had a meal of about a gallon of sunflower seeds, 2 suet cakes and a bunch of old grapes that I had put out. It won't be hard to fix everything up again - luckily they didn't break the feeders, just opened them and the poles can be straightened again. It's funny that Andy didn't hear anything. I bet if we had had the windows open and he had smelled the bear we would have heard about it.
Today is Char's husband Jim's funeral. And tomorrow is a memorial gathering for Dave's brother Bruce that will be held in State College. Lots of reminders of life's shortness.
zyzyly mentioned a while ago about something his grandfather did - wrote on magnolia petals and then pressed them in a book to dry them so I thought I would give it a try. On the way back from lunch with Nancy yesterday we passed a house that my aunt and uncle used to live in when we were kids and there were 2 magnolia trees in the front yard. I got out and gathered some fallen petals. I hope this turns out right:
Maybe it would be better to get them fresh off the tree - many of these were already bruised.