Over the hill.
For something different I put the plastic 38 mm Diana lens on the camera this evening for a walk Rossy and I took with Andy to the creek. It's all manual and very hard to get anything sharp or in focus with it. Rossy asked me why did I bother when I have other lenses that will focus instantly and sharply. I said I just like the challenge.
Chinese elm leafies.
Leaves and sky.
Rossy sitting by the creek.
Pine cone.
Sun path.
White blossoms.
This morning Candy and I walked at Two Mile Run and I took a different Diana lens then - the 20 mm fish eye lens. All the photos from that were terrible - nothing to be saved. I know there is a Diana lens that actually takes pretty fair pictures. I have a bunch of Diana lenses. Going to try the 55 mm next - maybe that's the one.
Anyway, I love this time of year - this time of flowering trees and bushes. It is so gorgeous right now.
I noticed that today is exactly one month since the day I found out I had cancer and also the day that Bruce died. So much has been packed into one little month.