stuff done: Tuesday-Thursday

Sep 16, 2016 12:57

1. Talked with Upstairs Neighbor E about supplementary dogsitting and gave her my new spare key. I will drive down to NJ on Sunday and drive back Monday with Dottie, who will be with me until Wednesday the 28th when my parents will pick her up and head home while I'm at work. But my job at the rental office involves very long days and Dottie needs a mid-afternoon pee break, so I've enlisted Upstairs Neighbor E to drop by between noon and 3pm on Tuesdays and Saturdays to take Dottie outside for a bit.

On Wednesday the 21st, I will just have to take a 45-minute lunch break instead of a 30-minute break and get the person who has admin access to the timekeeping program to adjust my punch times for that day -- which shouldn't be a problem, but I didn't want to say, "Hey, you only just hired me and now I need to inconvenience you by taking extra-long lunch breaks for my next four days," because that is a good way to wear out any welcome grace period really fast.

2. Folded and put away the last of the laundry I washed on Sunday.

3. Rescheduled my October dentist appointment, because it was on a Wednesday and now I have work on Wednesdays. :) My new appointment is on a Thursday one week later. I also told the front office person that it would be very helpful if their website listed their office hours. You would think this would be one of the first things on the home page, but nope! Not there, not on any subpage, not anywhere. Contact info and maps, sure. Glowing testimonials, sure. But not office hours. *headdesk*

4. Read and commented on four NFE fics, go me! (I wanted to do six, but alas, I don't always meet my goals.)

5. Arranged a phone call time with Vicky.

6. Arranged a brief visit with Susan for when I'm in NJ Monday morning.

7. Watered my peppers with some delicious MiracleGro mixed in. I also dumped the water from my gutter drip-catcher onto the three raspberry canes/shoots/bushes that Upstairs Neighbor E planted this spring. They had a rough time this summer, with the drought, and I try to give them a bit of a drink when I remember.

8. Worked two more days at the rental office. It was starting to get crazy toward the end, because the open leasing period for the 17/18 school year was about to begin, and people get really intense about making sure they get certain specific apartments. The company runs on a first-come-first-served basis, so people start lining up outside the office well before the morning of the day in question. The company actually moved the open leasing start date two weeks earlier this year in an attempt to circumvent that -- the hope was that most groups wouldn't have themselves organized yet and so rentals could be staggered out over a more reasonable time period instead of squashed dramatically into one morning -- but it doesn't seem to have worked. Like I said before, the college town student rental business is weird.

And now on to today's list. :)

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neighbors, adventures in dogsitting, adventures in botany, friends, family, everyday life, work: monopoly houses

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