stuff done: Friday

Sep 17, 2016 00:28

1. Checked this year's Porchfest schedule to figure out when it might be safe to leave on Sunday. I think the best plan is to slip away during the gap between the 12pm and 1pm performances. It will be a small gap, but if I miss it I'll be stuck until 2pm and that's not ideal.

2. Attended an RE teacher ingathering/info session at 7pm. I think I now have a better sense of how the youth group will fit into the general lesson schedule this year.

3. Filled the gas tank in the Camry in preparation for driving to NJ on Sunday.

4. Bought some breakfast options for days I will be working while dogsitting, because it will make more logistical sense to eat at work than at home. So I'll just bring a yogurt cup and a breakfast bar in with me.

5. Made my Yuletide nominations, which are exactly the ones I laid out in this post. They have not yet been reviewed. (Nominations close at 5am EDT on Saturday, incidentally, so you have about 4.5 hours left to make your own if you haven't yet.)

6. Read and commented on two more NFE fics.

7. Filled out an online survey for my church's settled minister search committee.

8. Called Vicky. :)

9. Texted Cat to try setting up a time for a phone call next week. She has not yet texted back. I'll give her a couple days before trying again.

10. Tidied a bunch of papers that had been collecting on flat surfaces in my living room. I wound up recycling an awful lot of them, and the rest are now filed in my actual filing cabinet. (I love my filing cabinet. It is so useful.)

And now to bed. :)

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religious education, yuletide, yuletide 2016, everyday life, decluttering, unitarian universalist

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