stuff done since my last stuff done post

Sep 12, 2016 23:52

1. Finished the Not the IRS onboarding process, which is basically logging onto a site and electronically signing a bunch of forms (some of them have a few options to fill out first). Because this is my second year as a tax preparer, I am now eligible for... it's not technically commissions, because the structure's a little different, but essentially it's commissions, if I bring in money over my hourly wages for the pay period in question. Probably I won't earn any, because I am new and have no established client base, but I guess it's nice to know the option is there?

2. Changed linens each weekend.

3. Did laundry yesterday. Have put about 90% of it away.

4. Took the compost bin to the curb for pickup last weekend and the recycling bins to the curb for pickup this weekend.

5. Photographed my peppers and made posts about them last Monday and today.

6. Put in my weekly unemployment benefit claim last Monday and today.

7. Chopped up some peppers and onions and froze them for later use. (This way they don't rot before I get around to cooking whatever I bought them for.)

8. Got a haircut. Yay my hair's not an annoyance anymore!

9. Attempted to buy a new power cord for my laptop, discovered the problem IS the battery after all, attempted to research whether my laptop even has a user-accessible way to change its battery, temporarily gave up in frustration when the battery suddenly worked for about six hours and recharged itself, will return to the issue in a few days. Maybe Friday. (Laptop is an Asus Q501L notebook PC, incidentally.)

10. Paid my monthly internet bill.

11. Bought groceries.

12. Went to Agway to get a duplicate of my front door key, both just because it's good to have a spare (until today I'd only had spares for my back door) and because I may need it next week, for reasons.

13. Managed to edit my own NFE fic (aka, added the scenes that made it thematically coherent) before the collection opened. I have also commented on my two (!!!) gifts in a hopefully coherent fashion. Tomorrow I may have the spoons to start reading through the rest of the stories.

14. Met my third coworker at the rental office on Saturday, who showed me more of the tasks I will be responsible for on a daily basis.

15. Soldiered on despite the worsening of my depression -- I think I am having a blue funk on top of the general malaise I've been suffering all year. ('Blue funks' are what I call the one- to three-week periods I get a few times a year, where my brain abruptly dumps me down a well. They have no correlation to any outside pattern anyone's ever been able to discern. My brain chemistry just fucks off to Siberia now and then.)

I wanted to get a bunch of things done that I have had to let slide because I just flat did not have the spoons, but I have managed to maintain my daily routine of getting up before noon (and getting at least six hours of sleep), showering and dressing, eating three/four meals (number depends on size), going for a walk and taking a picture of Cascadilla Creek, and washing my dishes. I don't usually report those things because they are usually not a noticeable effort -- that's sort of my baseline -- but in bad weeks, I like to remind myself that those are actual tasks requiring actual physical and mental energy, and goddammit, I did not let them slip.

And now I should probably get to bed, because I have work tomorrow. :)

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depression sucks, narnia fic exchange, work: not the irs, everyday life, work: monopoly houses

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