stuff done since my last stuff done post

Sep 12, 2016 23:52

1. Finished the Not the IRS onboarding process, which is basically logging onto a site and electronically signing a bunch of forms (some of them have a few options to fill out first). Because this is my second year as a tax preparer, I am now eligible for... it's not technically commissions, because the structure's a little different, but ( Read more... )

depression sucks, narnia fic exchange, work: not the irs, everyday life, work: monopoly houses

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Comments 3

cat_i_th_adage September 14 2016, 00:17:00 UTC
I'm sorry about the funk, but yay for everything else. I admire your coping skills (and like your pepper pictures).


edenfalling September 14 2016, 02:49:34 UTC
I trained myself into a few really hardwired 'maintain a minimal quality of life' habits over the years, because otherwise I would just fall down a hole and vanish from my entire life during funks, and that's not tenable for, say, holding down a job. So I picked a few things that I refuse to let slip. And some days, those few things (plus my current paid employment) are all I can manage, but by god, I will manage them or else.

It's maybe not the healthiest attitude -- missing one day won't actually destroy me or anything, and accidentally convincing myself on an emotional level that one slip will lead to THE APOCALYPSE is just asking for trouble if I ever do just flat run out of spoons for even these basics -- but it's worked for me for over a decade now, so. *shrug*


cat_i_th_adage September 14 2016, 21:05:30 UTC
You're doing well (even if it doesn't feel like it)


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