greetings from New Jersey!

Aug 10, 2016 19:58

I am back in NJ again, this time to return the dog. I will be sad not to have her companionship anymore, but without her I will retrieve possession of at least two hours of my day to do productive stuff with instead of feeding or walking her. (I will also probably go back to reading more online instead of reading books. Dottie likes to sit on people's laps, but my computer chair and computer desk are not really conducive to such things, so I have been in the habit of spending an hour or so per day in my armchair, on my couch, or in a plastic lawnchair on my back porch with the dog on my lap and reading either a magazine or a library book.)

I pick my parents up from Newark airport tomorrow at about 1pm. If their flight's on time, it should land at 12:30, but getting through customs and picking up luggage of course takes a while. I am debating whether or not to bring Dottie with me to the airport. On the one hand, she'd get to see her people sooner! On the other, it's really not the best place for an extended reunion scene. ...On due consideration, no, I will leave her at home and she will simply get a very pleasant surprise when we all return.

I'll be staying here for a few days, since Susan is having a fancy-dress birthday party on Saturday night and I have agreed to attend. I'm not entirely sure what I will be doing the rest of the time, but I'm sure I can think of something. :)

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travel, adventures in dogsitting, friends, family, everyday life

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